The Holocaust The Concentration Camps

Located in Lomza Gubernia in present-day Poland
 35.7 miles S of Lomza
 56.6 miles SW of Bialystok
52.1 miles NE of Warszawa

Longitude 52 degrees, 40 minutes
Latitude 22 degrees, 02 minutes


Treblinka was situated near the town of Malkinia, a railroad station that stood along the train route that ran between Warszawa and Bialystok. The camp was located in a heavily-wooded area, 2.5 miles northwest of the Treblinka rail station.


**Visions of Treblinka 2005**



These concrete railroad
ties remind us of the tracks
that once carried the trains
that brought so many Jews
 to the concentration camp.


The inscription in front
of the obelisk reads,
"Never again" in
Polish, Yiddish,
Russian, English,
French and German.


These 17,000 granite
shards give the observer
a sense of a
Jewish cemetery.


A menorah is carved
into the top of this
forty-foot obelisk.



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