Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Abraham Levinson

Born on 14 August 1889 in Lodz, Poland, into a family of businessmen who come from Lithuania. Until age thirteen he learned in a cheder, at first with Chaim Yakov Krekher (a meshkhil and author of Yiddish and Hebrew books), and then with Itsikl Tsi?ling (author of "Yilkut eretz yisroel"). General education received in the trade schools of Zgierz and Lodz, in the gymnasium of New Aleksander and Praga-Warsaw.

 1910 -- a short time attended a dental school in Warsaw and the medical facultat in Leipzig, then over to the Jewish facultat of Warsaw's university, which he completed in 1916 in Rostov, whereto the university had evacuated. L. also studied in Kharkov's trade institute.

In 1907 he published in Warsaw his Hebrew translation of Chirikov's play "Di yidn". Since 1910 he was active as a member in Lodz's "Habima Hebrit", and had participated in the Hebrew production (under the direction of Julius Adler) of "Uriel Acosta" and "Dos neye geto (The New Ghetto)" in Lodz, Warsaw and in Vienna during the unionist congress in 1913.

In Kharkov he continued in the socio-political movement, and L. worked in a Hebrew children's publishing house "HaSefer", and at the same time translated for a local art theatre "Unzer vinkl" the plays "Di hotel-virtin" by Goldoni, and "In shtot" by Yuskevitch, which was staged there.

He also translated for that theatre Roston's "Tsvey piero", which was never performed.

In the book of collections, "Teater-zkhrunus" (editor -- Zalmen Zylbercweig), L. published an article of memories about "Unzer vinkl".

In the Ukraine, L. was dedicated to the party press of "Tseiri Tzion", and at the end of 1920 returned to Poland, where he was active as a party journalist, also an organizer. In 1922 -- the "Hidstadrut" list was split, as deputy in a Polish seym itst, L. was the director of the Jewish National Fund in Poland.

  • Z. Reyzen -- "Lexicon of Yiddish Literature", Vol. II, pp. 340-42.

  • Zalmen Zylbercweig -- "Teater-zkhrunus", Vilna, 1930, p. 56.

  • Abraham Levinson -- "Unzer vinkl" (dort, pp. 39-45)






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 2, page 1153.

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