Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Rudy Rosenfeld


Born on 4 August 1941 in Cernauţi, Romania, while it withstood  the regime of terror reigned upon the Jews by Antonescu’s regime, while the town was recuperating from the presence of the Soviet army

You could almost say that he was born at the State Jewish Theatre, where he continues to perform until today. He has performed as a Romanian actor in many comedy films, history or drama..

R; started acting at the very young age of thirteen, when there were scheduled auditions at the State Jewish Theatre. He didn’t hesitate, as he wanted very much to participate. When the stage directors saw how talented he was, they readily accepted him.

He performed with many of the great actors of State Jewish Theatre, such as Sevila Pastor and Tricy Abramovici. He acted in the role of "Frank" in the great performance of ’’Frank the 5th’’ by Dürrenmat, and he has performed in the Romanian language in more than three hundred performances, touring all over Romania, He also performed in Yiddish in more than eighty performances. .


Through his important roles, charm, humour and especially through the effort that he has made over some sixty years to please his audiences, he has drawn the attention of spectators of all ages. He has also excelled in film animation:

His first project of animation film  (2002), was "Atlantida: The Vanished Empire", where he gave his voice to King Kashekim Nedakh, He also was the voice of a Cadillac Coupe de Ville from 1975 for an animated car in the  film ("Cars") (2006)He dubbed the voice of "Axe" into the Romanian language in the film "The Beauty and The Beast: Magic Christmas" (2010). He was also the voice of "Friend Owl" in the classic Disney film, "Bambi" (2010) and "Bambi 2" (2011).

Since 1961, R. has been an actor at the Romanian State Jewish Theatre. His roles have included:

Efimcic  --  “The Parent’s Youth”, by Boris Gorbatov, director David Esrig

The Boy --  ‘’Mutter Courage’’, by B. Brecht, director  Mauriciu Sekler

August --  “The Matchmaker“, by Thornton Wilder, director  George Teodorescu

Beni Ben -- ‘’ The Treasure” , by Sholem Aleichem, director Adrian Lupu

Munish -- ‘’Munish”, by Isaac Leib Peretz , director George Teodorescu

Tily -- ‘’He Who Gets Slapped”, by Leonid Andreyev, director Kincses Elemer

Menachem Mendl -- ‘’Menachem Mendl the Businessman”, by Sholem Aleichem, director Benno Popliker

The Performer -- “Brain Short Circuit”, by Dumitru Solomon, director Adrian Lupu

Mordkhe --  “Chasia the Orphan“, by Iacob Gordin, director George Teodorescu

The Doctor -- “Andorra", by Max Frisch, director Adrian Lupu

Mr. Gherman -- “ The Sleepy Adventure“, by Teodor Mazilu, dorector Adrian Lupu

Iosale -- “Mirele Efros”, by Jacob Gordin, director George Teodorescu

Ari Stodem -- “ Diogenes the Dog", by Dumitru Solomon, director George Teodorescu

Ioske the Fiddler -- “Cântăreţul tristeţii sale”, by Osip Dymov, director Adrian Lupu

The Performer --  “Între Caftan şi smoking”

Mr. Tragic -- “Iacubowksi and the Colonel,” by Franz Werfel, director Adrian Lupu

Allen --  “How to Seduce Women”,  by Woody Allen, director Adrian Lupu

Efraim -- “Kreutzer Sonata”, by Jacob Gordin, director Olimpia Arghir

Hershele -- “Hershele”, by Moishe Ghersenzon, director  Harry Eliad

Gavril -- “The Gates of the Forrest”, by Elie Wiesel, director Dinu Cernescu

Michael Sand -- “The Castelana”, by Lea Goldberg, director Liudmila Szekely 

Anton Belardo -- “The Jews of Toledo”, by Al. Mirodan, after
Lion Feuchtwanger

Performer -- "Un şirag de melodii", a concert performance of Jewish folk music, director  Harry Eliad 

The Writer -- ’’The Coffee Shop”, by Isaac Bashevis Singer, director Teodor Cristian Popescu

Simale Soroker  -- “The Big Winner”, by Sholem Aleichem, director Harry Eliad

Reb Azriel --  “Dybbuk”, by S. Ansky, director Cătălina Buzoianu

Mr. Schultz -- “Cabaret”, by J. Masterhof, J. Kander, Fred Ebb, director Andreea Vulpe

Prudenval -- ‘’Trei mirese pentru tata“, by Eugene Labiche, director Harry Eliad 

De Silva -- “Uriel Acosta”, by Karl Gutzkow, director Grigore Gonţa

Thomas -- “Between Heaven and Hell”, by Sebastian Ungureanu, director Cristian Munteanu

Rabbi Löw -- ’’Golem”, by H. Leivick, director Cătălina Buzoianu

Leizer Wolf -- Fiddler on the Roof”, by Joseph Stein, Jerry Bock, Sheldon Harnick, director  Hary Eliad

Leivi Mozgovoier -- ’’Vânzătorii de haloimes’’, by Sholem Aleichem, director Hary Eliad

‘’Shylock’,’ by Arnold Wesker, director Grigore Gonţa

Ephraim -- ‘’Stolen Happiness’’, by Jacob Gordin, director Moshe Yassur

Frank the 5th -- ‘’The Story of a Private Bank’’, by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, director Kincses Elemer

Mordechai -- ’’Esther’’, a musical by Octavian Sava and Marius Ţeicu, director Dominic Dembinski

Schwartzkopf -- "The Puppeteer", by Gilles Segal, directro Alexander Hausvater – performance by invitation at the European Theatre Festival Eurothalia, Timisoara


Ordinul Naţional "Pentru Merit" in gradul de Cavaler (2002)


R. has acted in more than thirty-five films, starting in 1972 with "Too Little for Such a Big War", director Radu Gabrea. His long list of films include:

 Wandering  Jew  ‘’Alogic 11’’(2011)

 The Egg of Cuckoo  (2010)

Octavian – ’’Coronation Street.Romanian Holiday’’ (2009)

 Abner Hatfield – ’’Pumpkinhead –Blood-Feud’’ (2007)

 Vodka Bottle – ’’The Half Life of Timofey Berezin’’ (2006)

Insomniac – ’’At The Emmergency’’ (2006)

The  Archivist – ’’Report about the state of the nation’’ (2004)

Moshe – ’’Amen’’ (2002)

Fou écossais – ’’Les Percutés’’ (2002)

The Editor – ’’Golem’’ (2001)

Butler – ’’Little Ghost’’ (1997)

Assistant Doctor – ’’Nostradamus’’ (1994)

Phillip – ’’Invisible: The Chronicles of Benjamin Knight’’ (1994)

’’Acordaţi circumstanţe atenuante’’ (1984) .

‘’Fram’’ (TV Serial) (1983)

’’A Clown at The North Pole’’ (1982)

"The Clowns’’ (1981)

Other theatre collaborations:

"The Man" in ‘’The Telephone’’, after Terry Southern and Harry Nillson (independent performance, by invitation of the International Festival of Theatre, Sibiu, 2012, and The International Experimental Theatre Festival Maninfest, Cluj Napoca, 2012)

At the Theatre Metropolis –‘’The Cactus Flower’’ by Barillet and Grady, and ‘’The Madwoman of Chaillot’’, by Jean Giraudoux, director Alice Barb

Special appearances in my broadcasts, television commercials, as well as collaborations with Castel Film.

Sh. E. and Sh. E. from Edith Negulici.







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Published online under the auspices of the Museum of Family History
and with the cooperation of the estate of Zalmen Zylbercweig.

Photographs  courtesy of Edith Negulici.


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