The Holocaust The Concentration Camps

Also known as Theresienstadt (German)
Located in the present Czech Republic

Longitude 50 degrees, 31 minutes
Latitude 14 degrees, 09 minutes


Terezin, better known as Theresienstadt, was originally built as a fortress in the late 1700s. In World War I it was used to hold prisoners-of-war. During World War II, Terezin was used as a concentration camp. Nearly one-quarter of those interred in this camp perished there, mostly from the horrible conditions that existed. Many prisoners at Terezin were eventually sent to Auschwitz and other camps. The camp was liberated on 9 May 1945 by the Russian army.

You can visit the Terezin Memorial website.


**Visions of Terezin 2006**


The commandant's office

Block A


Dormitory rooms.


Plaque outside of
Terezin Ghetto Museum

Entrance to
Ghetto Museum

Inside Ghetto Museum

"Plotting Genocide"

Terezin Memorial
Jewish Cemetery

Terezin Memorial




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