A. was born in
Brest-Litovsk, Polish Lithuania. His father was a
tailor. He learned in a cheder until age eleven, then in
a private school, and when his parents moved over to
Odessa, where they opened a tailor-[tsutatn] business,
he entered into a gymnasium.
Known to take him into a
dramatic circle, which staged in Odessa "God, Man and
Devil", which he played the role of "Uriel Mazik". The
dramatic circle traveled then across the province with
several plays. Mishurat engaged him in his professional
troupe, where he acted at first in dramatic and then in
singing roles. Later A. acted in the troupes of Korik,
Genfer and Kompaneyets (Warsaw's Elizeum Theatre). From
there he was engaged by Rappel for Odessa, and then
he returned to Warsaw in the Elizeum, where he performed
in modern operetta repertoire. Here he was engaged to
Fishzon in Odessa, participating as a soldier in the
war, and he was wounded and after his release from
service, he entered into Lipovski's in Kharkov, traveled
around for six years with Yiddish folk singers,
participating in the experimental with Kiseldorf,
singing songs for Yiddish ethnographic music. During
this time he also acted in the Russian opera and
operettas. In 1926 he was in concerts in Riga and
Berlin, he acted in Yiddish in Paris and traveled to
Argentina where he acted for ten months, from there he
was engaged to travel to the Public Theatre in New York,
where he acted for a short time and then returned to
Europe; he acted in Paris, Riga, Berlin and the 1928-9
season in Paris' Folly dramas (?).
M. E. |