Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Max Badin
(Muni Badian)


B. was born on 27 July 1889 in Tarnopol, Galicia, to parents-owners of the "Homel Landoy," where actors resided. As a child he came to America and learned in public and high school.

From his early youth, B. used to rotate between the Yiddish vaudeville houses, until Morgenbesser got him in 1904 into the Clinton Vaudeville House in the "role of a letter carrier," then he began to act in children's roles in Thomashefsky's People's Theatre. In 1906 B. found in Brooklyn a dramatic club in which he directed the productions of Aba Shoengold and Cesar Greenberg -- the play "Teyvele" ("Hertsele myukhs") by Richter, where B. acted in the role of "Izikl." Then B. began to perform with A. Levenstein, and he acted later for several years in vaudeville.

In 1909 B. acted for the first time as a professional actor in legitimate theatre ("Monoah" in Shulamis") in the troupe of Simon in Pittsburgh.

In 1910, B. was in English vaudeville in the Essex Theatre.

In 1911, he was in the Willett Vaudeville House with Bernard Elving.

In 1912, he was in vaudeville in Pittsburgh.

In 1913, he was in vaudeville in Essex Street.

In 1914, in Boston with Oscar Green.

In 1915, in Boston with Levitan.

In 1916, in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

In 1917, in Chelsea, Massachusetts, in then Yolden Theatre with Levitan.

In 1918, at the Lenox Theatre in New York.

In 1919, in Brooklyn's Lyric Theatre.

In 1920, with Thomashefsky in Philadelphia.

In 1921, in St. Louis.

In 1922 in New York's vaudeville Grand Theatre.

In 1923 in Boston with Julius Nathanson and Oscar Green.

In 1924 in Boston with Julius Nathanson.

In 1925 and 1926, at the Liberty Theatre with Rolland.

In 1927 in Boston with Julius Nathanson.

In 1928, at the Liberty Theatre with Anshel Schorr.

In 1928-1930, in New York's National Theatre.

B. is a lyricist, and many of his songs were published and sung for the phonograph.

B. married the soubrette Annie Lubin.

B. is a member of the Executive Committee of the union.

Specialty: Character roles.

Sh. E.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 1, page 114.

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