L. was born on 29 March 1880
in Lemberg, Galicia. Her parents maintained costumes for [beler=ballet?]
and theatre and also had as his neighbors the acting
Treitler family. She began in children's roles with
Gimpel, then she acted as "Mladl" when Goldfaden put on
in "Latkhmud", and she became the prima donna when Anna
Brie left the troupe, tut men Pepi without a long
dress, and she performed as "Neomi" in "Prince
Alexander". From there L. became a prima donna. Anshel
Schorr engaged her then for Czernowitz for Avraham
Axelrad, where she acted for a year, then a half-year in
Budapest under Chana Wolfstal's direction, acting three
months constantly as "Shulamis". Later L. acted for a
half-year in Berlin and from there she became engaged to
Edelstein-Thomashefsky in New York's People's Theatre,
where she acted for a year, then a season in Chicago as
a dramatist, three seasons in New York's Grand Theatre
with Adler, Kessler, Kalich and Sara Adler, a year with
Adler across the province, six years in Chicago, and
again with Kessler in B'? and in the Thalia Theatre with
Adler, Moshkovitsh and Mogulesko, a season in Detroit,
four seasons with Gabel, one season with Jennie Valiere,
three seasons in the Irving Place Theatre with Satz and
Goldenburg, and from 1926-1929 in the National Theatre.
Since then L. has acted very little, except in the
productions of the Adler family.
L.'s sister is the actress
Mina Birnbaum.
M. E.