Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Yoel Leyb Malamut


Born on 23 July 1885 in Snitkov, Podolia, into a Chasidic family. He learned with melamdim and in a Beit HaMedrash. At age fourteen he became an orphan, and M. became a teacher in a yishuv. 1903 -- immigrated to New York, from where in 1904 he sent skits and stories  to London's 'Arbayter fraynd". 1906 -- he went to London, where he wrote actively. At the end of 1907 -- he returned to America, where he became active both as a journalist and as an editor and publisher of various periodic publications in Yiddish.

In 1912 in "Keneder odler", there was published M.'s children's one-acter, "Pesakh tsum seder", which was under the direction of the author [and was] staged in Toronto's Yiddish National Dem. Shul.

In 1913 he published in "Keneder adler" a novel "Beym rebin in hoyf", which he soon thereafter dramatized, and the play was staged on 19 December 1913 under the direction of Rubin Breynin, under the name "Di goldene keyt" (a historic, realistic play in four acts), in Montreal's Peoples Theatre (with Morris and Dora Weissman in the main roles). Later the play was performed in Winnipeg in the Quint Theatre.

In 1916, through "amateurs" in Minneapolis, there was staged M.'s two-acter "Tsurikgekumen", which in the same year was printed in Chicago's "Record" (Editor: Kalmon Marmor").

M. also wrote the one-act comedies "Der teut" and "A zelbstshtendike froy", which were staged by "amateurs"  and were published in "Keneder odler" and "Keneder id" (under the direction of B. Y. Goldstein). He also handwrote a comedy "Milyonen".

M. for several months performed in roles (in "Dybuk" under the direction of Arnstein in Los Angeles. In 1924 in the writer-offering  of Movshovitsh's (sic) one-acter "Hinter di kulisn fun a redkatsye"), and since 1932 he often performs with his own improvisations and Lutski's creations.

In 1929 -- M. edited and issued in Los Angeles two volumes of a monthly journal in Yiddish under the name "Hollywood", dedicated to the cinema, and in 1932 he tried to publish in Boston a monthly journal in Yiddish, "Idisher muzikalisher zhurnal", with several pages in English.

Sh. E.

  • Z. Reyzen -- "Lexicon of Yiddish Literature", Vol. II, pp. 298-301.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 2, page 1217.

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