M. was born on 15 April 1883
in Brest-Litovsk, Polish Lithuania. M.'s not-well-to-do
parents had wanted to make him a craftsman, but he
became exited for the stage because already at the age
of twelve he sang with the Brisk cantor, and at the same
time in the woman's choir of the Yiddish theatre. At age
fifteen M. already performed with a Yiddish troupe in
which he sang "[heyse babelekh]" in Goldfaden's "Bobe
In 1903 M. came to America
and entered into the Metropolitan Singer Hall in
Brownsville, where he received fifteen cents a night to
sing in the chorus and to act in episodic roles. M.
wanted however to enter into one of the former
vaudeville theatres, and he had to become a member in
the vaudeville union. He almost was able to pay the
fifty dollars entrance dues, and M. became a dyer until
he could come up with the entire sum. He then became a
member in the union and began to act in vaudeville.
Later M. acted in legitimate
theatre in Philadelphia, Chicago, Pittsburgh, St. Louis,
Boston, Detroit, Cleveland, and in Canada: in Montreal,
Toronto and Winnipeg.
In 1924 M. acted in London
and in other European cities. In 1926 he was in New
York's Lenox Theatre, from 1927-29 in Philadelphia,
guest-starring in the summertime in London, 1929-30 in
the Bronx's Prospect Theatre, and later across the
American province.
Sh. E. |