A part of these articles
(also written under the pseudonym "S. Feyerfoygl") was
later published in print in his book "Meyne hend hobn
fergosen dos dozige blut" [New York 1929, publishing
house Mayzel, 186 pp., as well as in a better edition in
("Moishe Nadir. Geklibene verk, meyne hent hobn fargosn
dos dozike blut".) Vilna, 1927, 223 pp.
In the last years, N. has
been a steady contributor to New York's communist
organ "Di frayhayt" [later "Morgn frayhayt"].
N. wrote the play "Sukses
(Success)" [according to N. later used by Chone
Gottesfeld in his comedy "Gvald, ven shtarbt er?",
which Gottesfeld denied categorically], staged by
Maurice Schwartz on 7 February 1919 in the Irving Place
Theatre [Success, a tragi-comedy in hekher three
acts with a prologue and a pre-prologue], "Dos feyer
fun kloyster-berg" (staged on 10 April 1919 in the
Irving Place Theatre), published in the third volume of
N.,'s "Neyeste verk" (New York, 1932) in "Der letster
yid", a satirical comedy, a shadow of Yevreynav's
theme", directed by Maurice Schwartz on 2 November 1919
in his Yiddish Art Theatre [according to Chone
Gottesfeld, the play is a free adaptation of Leo
Birinski's "Der narn-tants"].
On 2 May 1924, through the "Kunst
ring", there was staged in the Triangle Theatre N.'s
one-acter "Di velt fun meshugies", printed in the
third volume of N.'s "Neyeste verk", under the name "A
meshugene velt".
On 31 March 1926, through "Modiacot",
there was staged N.'s "Oyf yener velt" [printed
under the name "Marionetshpil" in "Kultur", Chicago, N'
1, 1925, and included in the third volume of N.'s "Neyeste
verk" (N. Y., 1932)].
On 11 January 1927, through
the "Kunst ring", there was staged in the Irving Place
Theatre G.'s "Di tragedye fun gornisht, a play in
three acts and five scenes, scenery -- Baruch Aronson,
music -- Lazar Weiner, direction -- Miriam Elias and
Baruch Aronson" [the second act of the play under the
name "In apteyk" (a dramatic fragment) published in "Unzer
theatre", New York, N' 2-3, 1921. The full play was
published in "Di tskunft", 1922, under the name
"Moishe nadir. Di tragedye fun gornisht, a drama in five
acts", and in 1932 it was included in the third volume
of N.'s "Neyeste verk"].
In "Frayhayt" (1928-29), N.
also published the dramatization of his story, printed
in the weekly "Haynt" (1919-21), "Moshiakh in amerike"
[about which G. accused Chone Gottesfeld of plagiarism
regarding the subject of Gottesfeld's "American
Chasidim", which G. denied categorically. Compare to
Osip Dymov's and the similar, lively one-acters staged
by Jacob Mestel in 1929 in the Civic Repertory Theatre
in New York]. The play was included in the third volume
of N.'s "Neyeste verk" (New York, 1932).
He also wrote various light
sketches that were performed in "Nadir's shpil-kamer" (a
summer theatre in his summer hotel), and in Camp "Nit
Gedayget (Don't Worry)", and dramatized Sholem
Aleichem's "Di letste minutn fun a zeyger",
staged through Jacob Mestel in Carnegie Hall under the
name "Nakinka" (Nadir's artists' camp), which he soon,
however, liquidated.
In "Frayhayt" (25-26 August
1929), there was published his "A royter tkhlis",
written for the "Nit Gedayget" Theatre and staged by
Jacob Mestel for International Diamond Day.
In "Frayhayt" N. also
published his dramatic poem "Eliahu hanovi".
In 1932 there was, through
the publishing house "Frayhayt" (New York), published
four scenes of his writings, of which the fourth volume
was dedicated to nineteen dramatic works under the name
"Teater tekstn": dramas, one-acters, plays, reviews,
N. writes in his memoirs
that he also had written a play "Di groyse vand"
[subject, see in "Frayhayt", from 17 February 1929] and
-- together with Moshe Leib Halpern -- a play "Unter
der last fun tslm".
According to Jacob Kalich,
N. also had particpated in the adaptation of Joseph
Lateiner's operettas "Mazel brkhh" (staged on 23 March
1928 in Kessler's Second Avenue Theatre).
N. also translated Jim
O'Neill's (sp) drama "Di horike malpe", had dramatized
Leo Tolstoy's novel "Der toyt fun ivan ilyich"(hand-written
[version] went lost), and had translated "Di farzunkene
glok" [Gerhard Hauptmann]. Der eyngezunkener glok. A
drama in five acts. Ibergedikhtet by Moishe
Nadir. Vilna 1929, Vilna publishing house of B. Kletzin.
150 pp., 16°].
N. also farenglisht
[in his English translation] of Sholem Aleichem's "Hard
to be a Jew".
In Yetta Blank's collection
of Yiddish one-acters, she translated into English [New
York, 2nd volume, 1929], also published N.'s one-acter "Ikh,
der teater-geyer".
N.'s printed plays in
[1] In
apteyk, (a dramatic fragment), [printed in "Unzer
Theatre", New York, 2-3, 1921. Issued as a second act
from "Di tragedye fun gornisht"].
[1a] Moishe
Nadir, Di Tragedye fun gornisht, a drama in five acts,
[printed in "Di tsukunft", N. Y., October 1922].
[1b] [Printed in
the third volume of N.'s "Neyeste verk", N. Y., 1932].
Marionetshpil, [printed in "Kultur", Chicago, N' 1.
Marioneten-shpil, [printed in the third volume of N.'s "Neyeste
verk", N. Y., 1952].
Moshiakh in amerike, [printed in "Frayhayt", N. Y.,
25-26 November, 16 December 1928, 13 January 1929].
[3a] Moshiakh in
amerike, [printed in the third volume of N.'s "Neyeste
verk", N. Y., 1932].
Ferditshane (one-acter), by Moishe Nadir, [from Moishe
[4a] [Printed in
the third volume of N.'s "Neyeste verk", N. Y., 1932].
[5] A
royter tkhlis, by Moishe Nadir, [printed in "Frayhayt",
N. Y, 25-26 August 1929].
Binyamin kikhot, [printed in the third volume of N.'s "Neyeste
verk", N. Y., 1932].
Kloyster-berg [same].
[8] Der
lign-khaper [same].
[9] Dos
hiltserne por-folk [same].
[10] Hotentoten
[11] Lakhn iz
gezunt [same].
[12] Nishto
yosel [same].
[13] A mames
kind [same].
[14] Leymene
goylems [same].
[15] Der geler
karvil [same].
[16] Di letste
minutn fun a zeyger [same].
[17] Di hagode
melodrame [same].
[18] U-ntn-rn
meser [same].
[19] A meshugene
velt [same].
[20] Der nayer
seyder [same].
Z. Reyzen -- "Lexicon
of Yiddish Literature", Vol. II, pp. 500-513.
B. Gorin -- "Lexicon
of Yiddish Theatre", Vol. II, p. 281.
Hillel Rogoff -- "Sukses",
a neye piese in irving pleys teater, "Forward", N.
Y.., 13 February 1919.
Israel the Yankee [Y.
Y. Fridman] -- Di teater velt, "Yidtgbl't", N. Y.,
14 February 1919.
Luminus -- In
theater, "Fraye arbayter shtime", N. Y., 15 February
L. T. Bieli -- Moishe
nadir's "der letster id", "Yidgbl't", N. Y., 11
November 1921.
Sh. N. [Niger] --
Moishe nadir: "di tragedye fun gornisht", drame in
finf akten, "Dos naye leben", N. Y., December 1922.
N. Buchwald --
Poetisher kantseniamer gemisht mit teater, "Frayhayt",
N. Y., 14 January 1927.
Dr. A. Mukdoni --
"Di tragedye fun gornisht", geshpilt fun kunstring,
"Morning Journal", N. Y., 21 January 1927.
Israel Stern -- Mkhh
"meyne hent hobn fargosn dos dozike blut", "Literarishe
bleter", Warsaw, 26, 1927.
Chone Gottesfeld -- A
por bamerkungen vegen moishe "nemer", "Forward", N.
Y., 15 July 1928.
Moishe Nadir -- Teg
fun meyne teg, "Frayhayt", N. Y., 16, 17 February
Y. Rapoport --
Gerhardt hoyptman, "Vokhnshrift", Warsaw, N.' 45,