After the Nazi
Occupation, he was put into the Zhitomir
(Transnistria) ghetto, where he was a teacher of
Jewish children and with them created small
productions, especially of an Eretz Yisrael
character. Also he collaborated with the partisans
of each region.
After the Liberation, he
came to the Bamberger camp, and there founded the
Bamberger Yiddish Dramatic Studio, with which he
directed their own dramatizations (from memory) of
Asch's "Kiddush Hashem", Sholem Aleichem's "200,000",
a revue "Tel Aviv", et al.
There Z. also helped
found the newspaper "Unzer vort" (in Yiddish, at
first in Latin, afterwards with Yiddish letters),
where he had written images of Nazi hell,
feuilletons, under the pseudonym of Ben-Ari and was
literary editor. He participated in the "Landsberger
newspaper" and in Munich's journal "Der letster
khurbn" and traveled around with Cantor Shvimer
doing concerts.
In 1947 he came to
America, where he often had the opportunity to
perform in better, artistic repertoire in a range of
popular Yiddish "word concerts" and innovations in
New York and across other American cities. In June
1951, he helped produce a dramatic group under the
direction of Ben-Ari, who put on two productions.
As someone who was
socially active, Z. helped found for refugees a
branch (Masada Branch 403) of the Jewish National
Worker's Union, of which he is the chairman.
M. E. |