This title was not
chosen without intent. The following description will not only deal
with periodical publications published by Jewish groups, parties and
movements in Bukovina, but all newspapers and magazines in which
Jews were employed in responsible positions. One of the most senior
Jewish journalists in Bukovina was Adolf Wallstein who in the second
half of the previous century was co-editor of the Bukowina
(Bukovina News). Wallstein belonged to the staff of this publication
until the time that it changed from a liberal newspaper to
mouthpiece of the German Christians. The first Jewish newspaper
publisher in Bukovina was Herman Czopp, owner of the Bukovina “Rundshau.”
Dr. Mayer Ebner who was later to become a leader of the Romanian
Jews was on the staff of this publication which existed in about the
same period as the Bukovina Nachrichten. It is hard to speak about
the Bukovina Rundshau without mentioning Jakob Huth who one could
well call “the first Czernowitz reporter.” In later years Huth
worked in the same capacity for the Czernowitzer Tagblatt.
(Czernowitz Daily Paper)”
The modernization of the
Czernowitz daily newspapers which took place at beginning of this
century (1903) was the work of the prominent journalist, Dr. Philipp
Menczel. Julius Weber, about whose journalistic work in Czernowitz
we will report later, characterized Menczel in his brochure,
“Czernowitz portraits” as “a lawer by profession, a journalist by
calling.” Philipp Menczel served as a leading defender and his
pleading in sensational cases awoke interest in wide circles of the
public. His lead articles, however stirred even stronger interest.
He founded in 1903 together with Leon Koenig and Josef Horowitz the
“Czernowitzer Tageblatt” which had a modern editorial department and
equipment like rotary presses and linotype machines. A short time
later, a little more than a year Menczel departed from the
“Tageblatt” and soon after that (1904) founded the “Allgemeine
Zeitung.” He hired for the staff of this newspaper journalists from
the West: Alios Munk, Dr. Martin Weissmann, Emanuel Goldenberg,
journalists who up to then were active in Vienna. Karl Klueger, who
from the founding of the paper has worked in a subordinate position
stepped in to lead the Czernowitzer Tageblatt. Up to that point,
Klueger's journalistic talent had been expressed in humorous essays.
Now it became obvious that he could play a major roll as a writer of
lead articles in Bukovina journalism. At that time, Dr. Marco Covler
wrote for the political part of the paper with a skilled pen.
Hermann Menkes and for a short time, Dr. Nathan Birnbaum belonged to
the non-resident staff of the paper. For several years, Herman
Menkes wrote the theater and art reviews for the “Tageblatt,” until
he was replaced in this department by Julius Weber. At that time,
the Tagblatt as well as the Allgemeine Zeitung looked favorably on
the young Zionist movement and willingly made their columns
available for contributions that were dedicated to thoughts of the
Jewish renaissance. This position of both newspapers was due to the
personal attitudes of their leading editors, As a student, Philipp
Menczel was already interested in Zionistic ideas and Karl Klueger
belonged to “Hasmonaea,” the oldest Czernowitz student organization.
In 1907, Loebl Tauber,
who was know as a Yiddish publicist and a leading personality in the
Zionist movement of East Galicia and Bukovina founded the weekly
newspaper, the Jiddisches Volksblatt (Jewish People's Paper) in the
Yiddish language. The newspaper dealt mainly with national and
Zionist concerns. A special column was dedicated to Yiddish
literature. Among other things, the newspaper arranged for the 1908
Yiddish Language Conference in Czernowitz. When the publisher and
editor Loebl Tauber moved to Lemberg, the newspaper stopped
A few years after the
founding of the two large daily papers, the Czernowitzer Tagblatt
and the Czernowitzer Allgemeine Zeitung, the Bukowinaer Rundschau
which technically, editorially and in appearance was far
overshadowed by the two large dailies went out of business.
Right after the
beginning of World War I and the immediate occupation of Czernowitz
by Russian troops all newspapers including the “Tagblatt” and the
“Allgemeine” were shut down. While Dr. Philipp Menzel together with
other leading citizens of the city were transported to Siberia as
hostages, Karl Klueger escaped to Vienna.
After the collapse of
the Austro Hungarian Empire in the Fall of 1918, of the two leading
newspapers of Czernowitz only the Czernowitzer Allgemeine Zeitung
continued publishing. The owner of the paper changed. Dr. Philipp
Menzel was replaced by Mendel Abraham representing the firm Eminescu
as publisher while Arnold Schwartz who was active for years as an
editor became chief editor for the Allgemeine Zeitung.
Around the turn of the
century the “Bukowiner Post” which appeared three times weekly
existed in Czernowitz. It was edited by Moritz Steckler. The tone of
this paper was set by the leader of the Bukovina Ukrainians, Nikolai
Ritter von Wassilko who worked for political cooperation between the
Ukrainians and the Jews. One of the employees of this paper was
Josef Koller, who later became chief editor of the New Vienna
Between 1904 and 1912
for several years the Volkswehr appeared three times weekly as an
organ of the leader of the Bukovina Jews, Dr. Benno Straucher. The
editor of the paper was Julius Weber who as a young man had left
Lemberg for Germany where for several years where he worked in the
Frankfurter Zeitung which was published by Leopold Sonnemann.
Immediately after his arrival in Czernowitz he joined the editorial
department of the Allgemeine Zeitung and later he became the art
editor and local editor of the Czernowiter Tagblatt.
Before the 1910
elections for the Bukovina parliament, the Jewish political party
founded by Prof. Dr. Leon Kellner and Dr. Mayer Ebner had a weekly
paper, called the Volksrat (People's Advisor), edited by Dr. Abraham
Robinsohn. Among the employees of the paper was high school teacher
Dr. Hermann Sternberg, who when at the Czernowitz University was
named “Doctor of Philosophy sub auspiciis Imperitoris.
Shortly before the end
of the First World War in May 1918 Julius Weber and Dr. Elias
Weinstein founded the Czernowitzer Morgenblatt (Czernowitz Morning
Paper) which replaced the Czernowitzer Tagblatt. The annexing of
Bukovina which took place in fall of the same year brought difficult
times for the German language newspapers published by Jews.
Especially endangered was the existence of the Morgenblatt when
Julius Weber wrote a widely read article, entitled “Who does that
help?” against the issuing of a decree by the Bukovina Romanian
President, Dr. Jancu Ritter von Flondor. The decree contained the
words ”the minority must subject itself to the new regime.” The
president ordered that the paper cease publishing for three days and
that Julius Weber's name must be removed from the mast head.
In 1919, the Jewish
Unity Party led by Dr. Mayer Ebner brought out the Ostjuedische
Zeitung (East Jewish NewspaperJ) which originally appeared once a
week and later 3 times a week. The article by Dr. Mayer Ebner
severely criticizing the anti-Jewish tendencies of the government
created strong interest even in Romanian official circles. At the
same time, the paper was the official mouth piece of the Bukovina
State Zionist organization whose president was Dr. Mayer Ebner
At the beginning of the
thirties, Arnold Schwartz founded a new daily newspaper, Der Tag
(The Day) which ceased publication after a few years. The successor
to Arnold Schwarz at the Allgemeine Zeitung was Dr. Adolf
The annexing of Bukovina
by Romania brought about a change in the condition of the Jewish
community as well as basic changes for the press.
In addition to the
afore mentioned newspapers, several newspapers in Yiddish, German
and also Hebrew appeared in Bukovina between the years 1919 and the
end of July, 1940 when the Russians occupied North Bukovina. In the
memory of our contemporaries, they live on: The Freiheit (Freedom),
founded on May 1, 1919, printed in Yiddish, under the leadership of
Dr. Feiwel Sternberg. His chief fellow workers were Dr. Leo
Schaefler, high school teacher Dr. Chaim Lecker, Dr. Schlomo Bickel
and S.A. Soifer. In July, 1920 Dr. Schlomo Bickel took over the
editing of this paper. Dr. Bickel remained in this position until he
moved to Bucharest in September, 1922. After that, the Freiheit
appeared only irregularly. Dr. Bickel's successor was Chaim Kraft.
Dr. Bickel confined himself after that to occasional contributions.
After Dr. Bickel moved to Bucharest, the newspaper went out of
business. Moreover, in the Yiddish language appeared the
periodicals, Juedisches Volksblatt (Jewish People's Paper) edited by
Schamschon Schaechter, Arbeiterzeitung (Worker's Newspaper), Poal
Zion (edited by S. L. Steinmetz), Dos naje Leben (organ of the Bund[2]
) edited by Dr. Joseph Kissman and Sarah Kaswan. In this connection,
special mention should be given to Dr. Jakob Pistiner who departed
this life at a relatively young age. Dr. Pistiner who had a leading
position in the Bund was chief editor of the weekly German language
publication, the Volkspresse (People's Press) of the Social
Democratic party which eventually became a daily paper under the
name Vorwaerts (Forwards). Czernowitzer Bletter (independent) edited
by S.A. Soifer, Kultur published by the Jewish Culture Federation,
Schoiben (Literary Society pamphlet) edited by Jakob Sternberg,
Aufbau (to “build up”) which was earlier the Worker's Newspaper Poal
Zion edited by B. Engler, Yiddish.
In German language
appeared in the time period being discussed (between 1919 and 1940)
the young people's newspaper Hador Hazair published by an editorial
committee composed of Dr. Manfred Reifer, Prof. Julian Silberbusch,
Dr. Hermann Glaser and Dr. Leon Schmelzer, Das Freie Wort (Free
Speech) edited by Dr. Benjamin Fuchs, Neue Juedische Rundschau
edited by Manfred Reifer and Bukowiner Volkszeitung (Bukovina
People's Newspaper) (organ of the Union of Romanian Jews) edited by
Dr. Salomon Kassner. In the Hebrew language appeared the Hacheruth
edited by Dr. Zwei Ellner and M.D. Rabinowicz and Hatechiah edited
by Prof. Dr. Herman Glaser and Naftali Siegelboim.
In conclusion it can be
said that the newspapers published by Jews in Bukovina, in the main
supported the realization of Zionist goals and therein supported the
official organs of the Zionist organizations. As far as the German
language newspapers (Czernowitzer Algemine Zeitung and the
Czernowitzer Morgenblatt) are concerned it is characteristic that
the Dr. Mayer Ebner and the other leading figures of the Bukovina
State Zionist Organization were among the employees of these papers
and regularly published articles with Zionist content.
The Jewish press in
Bukovina as well as the papers supporting particular political
parties like the daily Czernowitzer Allgemine Zeitung and the
Czernowitzer Morgenblatt led a hard fight in the period from the end
of 1918 to 1940 to protect the political rights of the Jews of
Romania which were guaranteed in the constitution, but which were
repeatedly weakened by administrative attacks. In this fight, the
Ostjuedische Zeitung, published by Dr. Mayer Ebner had an important
On January 1, 1938, a
decree issued by the Cuza-Goga government ordered that all
newspapers in Romania published by Jews cease publication. Because
of the proposal of Prof. Nicolai Jorga, two daily papers, the
Allgemeine Zeitung and the Morgenblatt were able to start appearing
again. The papers were no longer entirely printed in German; parts
of the papers had to be in Romanian.
Written by Dr, Elias
Weinstein (Tel Aviv)
Translated by
Jerome Silverbush
1. Nachrichten:
I'll translate the German newspaper names that make sense in
2. Bund: Jewish Socialist political movement founded in
Vilnius in 1897 by a small group of workers and intellectuals from
the Jewish Pale of tsarist Russia.