say that its flourishing condition is due to anti-Semitism,
that if the Poles were not anti-Semites, the Jews would not be
The Poles deny this charge, affirming that anti-Semitism is
not the cause but the effect of
Sionism, that if the Jews had shown any friendly feelings for
them, any gratitude for the protection they received centuries
back, any interest in Poland's weal or sympathy for her woe,
any inclination to demolish the walls of the ghetto, to forget
the jargon, to discard the
halat, to
in short, with the rest of the community--anti-Semitism
would not
exist today. They meet the charge of increased anti-Semitism-and
its increase during the past half decade is utterly
undeniable--with a counter charge of
Jewish hostility and Jewish anarchy. They point out that the
Bund was the first party to arm the masses, placing
the means of exercising terrorism in the
hands of those who lack culture and education
to curb their passions of race and class; that the
revolutionary parties which are given up
to bomb-throwing, assassination and
other acts of excess, are de facto Jewish; that the
proportion of Poles to Jews amongst the leaders of these
parties is very small; that the Jew, who has been economically
dangerous to Polish interests for centuries, has now become a
political peril, because, having nothing to gain by keeping
quiet and a possible gain in revolt, he has prompted and is
guiding the present revolutionary movement.
This conviction prompted the Poles to act with unexpected
energy during the election for the Duma. Very little interest
was shown in these elections at first because the Jews had
declared that they would not participate in them. The Polish
community was aroused a few days before the time fixed for
voting by the announcement that the Jews had decided to send
representatives to the Duma and were engaged in a preelective
campaign. Warsaw and Lodz, owing to the large percentage of
the Jewish element, were threatened
with Jewish delegates. The result of this news was
astonishing. Suddenly every Polish party took the elections
quite seriously, and, what is more wonderful in faction-loving
Poland, decided to arrive at a speedy
understanding and vote irrespective of party politics for the
National Democrats;
otherwise if the votes split up between the Conciliators,
Patriots and Progressives, the Jewish
candidates would gain the day. Perhaps the best example was
shown in Lodz, where, though the Polish and German elements
are ever at war, they united against
the common foe, voted together, and won the day. The Jews
themselves worked with laudable zest. In the provinces those
who could not afford to pay their fares to and from the voting
centres were supplied with enough money to cover their
travelling expenses. The
Kahals, calling upon every man to use his
vote, threatened to impose a heavy fine
upon those who neglected their civic responsibilities.
Men were sent into the streets to buy voting cards
from the needy Polish population.1 Sandwich men,
bearing Hebrew placards calling upon
all Jews to vote for their cause,
paraded the Jewish quarters. Pre-election meetings were
addressed in Yiddish by advocates of the cause. But
solidarity, a feature which is generally missing in their
political life, saved the Poles; and, in spite of the fact
that the Jews form 14% of the total population,
their party in Poland did notsend
one delegate to the first Duma.
The Jewish proletariat relieved their feelings by setting up
straw figures dressed in the Polish fashion
and throwing mud at them.
The "Intellectuels"
lodged a protest against the conduct of the National Democrats
who had "swamped" them, and promised
never to forget the slight put upon
Jewish interests. Whether this exclusion of the Hebrew element
ia politically wise, or whether, as the Jews themselves
affirm, it will convey but a poor opinion of Polish tolerance
to the Liberal Party in Russia, remains to be seen..
But the fact in itself is interesting, inasmuch as it shows a
tendency on the part of the Poles to keep whatever political
right they may obtain under their own control and prevent the
Semites from ousting them in the political arena as they have
already done in trade and commerce.
anti-Semitism has not aroused the Poles to organise a campaign
against the economic influence of the Jews.
Here and there an increased disinclination to buy from them
may be seen, and of late much has been written about the need
of organising the Polish commercial
element into guilds which will defend its interests,
for there is a growing conviction that, as the Jew
intend to preserve their own national individuality, some
means of protecting the Polish element
must be found. But as yet it is too early to foretell what
these means will be. In Poland, where men think rapidly and
act slowly, questions even of such importance as this one do
not get the prompt attention they deserve. No, though
antiSemitism prevails in all classes
of the Polish community, it is, as yet, nothing more definite
than the instinctive dislike of the
Sclav for the Semite, not because he is
dangerous, politically or economically,
not because he lives on usury, but because he is a Semite,
because he talks through his nose, and talks Yiddish, is
difficult to throw
off, is half a
toad-eater and half arrogant, because he has a hooked nose and
a high colour, because he wears a
halat and his wife wears a wig. This anti-Semitism does
not prevent its possessor from dealing with Jewish tradesmen,
borrowing Jewish gold or employing Jewish labour. It is
content to make use of the object of its hatred even for the
object's own gain. But it goes no further.
It will not admit a feeling of sympathy between the two
contrasting parties, it prompts the contempt
with which the Pole regards his factor, not because he is
a factor, but
because he is a Jew. It prevents the Polish lounger from
helping the Jewish drayman to pull his cart-wheels
out of the snow. It causes the Polish school-boy to call the
blots which disfigure his copy-book "Jews,"
and the peasant to call the teazels by the same name, because
they cling to his clothes and are difficult to dislodge. It
is, too, though slightly accentuated, the same instinct
which prevents a Pole from marrying a Jewess, or a Polish girl
from wedding a man who has a Jewish name, and which closes the
doors of many Polish houses to the
But there are times when this sentiment takes a more serious
form, when the Polish masses, inspired either by fanaticism or
a sense of wrong, assume a threatening attitude towards the
children of the ghetto, who then feel that Poland, like
Russia, may become the scene of terrible
massacres. Such a case oecurred in the autumn of the year 1905
when the imperial manifesto of October 17th promised
constitutional right to the Tsar's subjects.
The event was celebrated in all the Polish towns by
processions, for the Poles are addicted to illusions,
and it seemed to them that the promise of the Tsar would bring
about a political paradise at once. The least respectable
portion of the population preferred to follow red banners and
even old red petticoats carried by the Bund and other
revolutionary parties, shouting out "Down
with Tsardom" "Down with Poland!"
"Down with the Church!"
down with everything in short but anarchy; the more
respectable, however, gathered in front of the churches,
singing patriotic hymns and returning thanks for the
constitution the Tsar had promised them. Before long it became
evident that whilst the Polish element flocked to the
patriotic processions, the Jewish element prevailed amongst
the red banners and rags. In short, a kind of rivalry sprang
up, and when the patriotic population of the city decided to
organise a solemn procession of its own upon the following
Sunday, the hooligans who had howled themselves hoarse over
the "Red Standard" expressed their intention of preventing
others from singing "God save Poland."
But the national procession was organised so carefully that
all attempts to disturb the order of the main body were
abandoned. The ruffians among whom, spectators affirm, Jews
predominated, therefore tumed their attention to the branch
processions; and when one left the church on the outskirts of
the town, they threw mud, stones and other missiles at the
cross and the priests. One of the
crosses was struck, and a young Israelite, incensed at the remonstrances
of a man who carried it, shot him. The indignation of those in
the procession was unspeakable. The
priests had the greatest difficulty in preventing a free
fight, and, when the day's ceremony was over and the news of
the outrage had spread through the town, black looks and
threats passed from man to man in the poorer quarter and
warned the Jews that public opinion was very much against
them. Their anxiety was increased by
the fact that Jewish massacres were
disgracing several towns in Russia. The
acrimony with which the revolutionary parties, taking
advantage of the temporary freedom of speech accorded by the
Manifesto, had attacked Church and fatherland during the past
few days, only increased the feeling of hostility to the Jews,
who, rightly or wrongly, have the reputation of leading these
parties. All this caused the quieter portion of the population
to fear that another outrage, similar
in character to the one just recorded, would induce the Polish
masses to follow the example given in
Odessa and Kieff and rise against the
Jews. Their apprehensions were
heightened by the conviction that the Russian authorities
would gladly welcome a massacre in
"cultured" Poland; they therefore used every effort to avert
such a disaster and to keep the national record for toleration
at all costs. In the churches the priests mounted the pulpits
twice and thrice daily to preach against the evils of racial
hatred and the necessity for Christian love and forbearance.
In the squares and open spaces laymen addressed
little groups, urging them, for Polish
honour, not to allow the passion of the masses to get the
upper hand. Pamphlets and proclamations, bearing the same
message, called upon the people to refrain from following the
example of barbarous Russia and refuse to play into the hands
of a hostile government. Householders, fearful lest the
mysterious "black hundred," the crowds
of hooligans whom Russian misrule had
allowed to increase and multiply in the slums of the city,
would, incited by the Russian
authorities, commence the massacre and set fire to the
anti·Semitism of the people, organised self-defence
parties which, armed with the best weapons they could obtain,
kept watch by night in the large
covered gateways of the houses. Excitement ran high. In spite
of the universal strike which had cut off
all the ordinary means of communication with the rest of the
Empire, vague and alarming reports came from Russia. The air
was heavy with massacre and disaster, and no man knew what the
hour would bring forth. It is in such times that a little
incident, a mere trifle, is fraught with giant consequences.
For all Warsaw knew, the government in
St. Petersburg might be overthrown, and the
only machinery, bad as it was, which kept the joints of the
communal life together, be destroyed.
People could not sleep at night. The least noise in the silent
courtyards, the echoes of a domestic difference,
the shouts of startled slumberers
aroused a panic, when people sprang from their beds and opened
the windows to see if the 'black
hundred" had not begun to massacre
the Jews. And if fear aud excitement prevailed
in the Polish quarters,
what is to be said
of the Jewish, where men dared not venture out by day and sat
huddled together at night, trembling at every
passing footfall, thinking that each patrol was a murderous
band, come to butcher the men, violate the women and sack the
shops and houses. In several instances the Jewish defence
groups, maddened into anxiety, rushed into the streets upon
hearing the sound of measured footsteps and attacked the
military patrols, a mistake which resulted in an order to
disarm and disband all Jewish defence parties and to arrest
the members.
They would have fled to
Austria and Germany if escape had been possible, but all
communication was cut off. One Jew, impressed with the powers
of the British Government, went to the British Consulate and
demanded protection in the form of a steamer to convey him and
his family to Dantzig. The same idea of British prestige
caused quite a demand for the
Jack." A few rich Hebrews, the envied possessors of
motor-cars, escaped from what they thought was certain death.
The rest sat at home and awaited their fate. This tension
lasted for several days; but as night after night passed and
the "black hundred," the bogey of Pole and Hebrew, did not
appear, the excitement calmed. The
Jews began to venture about the
streets, the Polish selfdefence groups were dismissed, and
the crisis passed. But for weeks afterwards the thought of
massacre haunted the inhabitants of the
The following incidents, the first of which occurred in Warsaw
shortly before the feast of P&asOver (1906) will give the
reader some idea of the scenes which occur from time to time
in the Polish towns to disturb the amicable relations which,
in spite of the anti-Semitic undercurrent, generally exist
between the Polish and Jewish masses, permitting them to work
side by side in the factories without showing any signs of
racial antagonism.
One evening a little Polish girl entered a Jewish shop and
begged for a piece of maca (passover-cake). Rosenzweig,
the Jew who owned the shop, gave her some and she went away.
But the maca pleased her so much
that she came back for a second
helping, and when she returned for the third time, Rosenzweig,
anxious to get rid of the child, swung her up in the air and
playfully theatened to put her in a barrel which stood near,
if she came again. A passer-by heard the child scream and,
upon glancing in and seeing her swung up in the air,
immediately raised the alarm that "the
Jews want the child's blood to mix their maca." This signal
has never failed to bring a crowd in a Polish town, and a
moment later a very angry one had collected round the shop,
Rosenzweig, thoroughly frightened, locked the door and hid
himself behind some lumber. The crowd broke
the windows and was looking for the hapless joker when a
passing patrol arrested the proceedings
by enquiring into the cause of the excitement.
The soldiers found Rosenzweig, pulled him from his
hiding-place, and took him to the police-station accompanied
by the crowd whom the patrol could scarcely keep away from the
object of their anger. After giving his version of the affair,
Rosenzweig was set at liberty and told to go home. It took him
all his
ingenuity to take him there, for the crowd followed him all
the way; and not a moment passed but he had to dodge a blow or
a piece of mud aimed at his trembling figure. The little
Polish girl cost him dear, for he dared not open his shop
until three or four days afterwards.
Not long afterwards a very similar incident occurred in the
town of Lomza. A. Polish workman took
his tenyear-old son out shopping, and went into a Jewish shop
for some yeast. The Jew could not find it at first--these
little shops are not models of tidiness--so
the workman told his son to wait for the yeast while he went
on to make some more purchases, as it was Friday afternoon and
the Sabbath was approaching. On his return, the yeast was
there but the boy had disappeared. He angrily asked the Jew
what had become of the child. The Jew as angrily answered that
he knew nothing about him. Their loud voices attracted a few
loungers who said something about Christian blood and Jewish
passover-cakes. The words spread through the street like
wild-fire, and the consequence would have been disastrous for
the Jew had not the boy turned up amongst those who ran to see
what new piece of excitement was afoot. He paid for the
misunderstanding he had caused with a sound whipping.
These two incidents show that the old conviction that the Jews
are ready to murder Christian children for ritualistic
purposes still prevails among the Polish masses, in spite of
the efforts of the clergy to eradicate it. It is as firmly
rooted in their minds as the belief that to dream of a Jewess
is unlucky, or that all Jews are subject to a loathsome
disease akin to mange which will show itself
even in the offspring of mixed marriages.
Nevertheless, there have been no serious anti-Semitic
demonstrations in Poland since the year 1880,
when the Jews in Warsaw were the victims of a good deal of
horseplay. But the scenes then2
enacted were of very different character from those which
occurred in Russia as recently as the
After the barbarous pogrom which took place on Corpus
Christi day (1906) at Bialystok, some attempts
were made to provoke a similar massacre in Warsaw.
Proclamations were posted on the houses at
street corners calling upon the
populace to stamp out once and for all that "parasitic,
grasping and useless Jewish race" from
among them. But the indignant passers-by tore them down, and
the Social Democrats and Polish Party of Socialists replaced
them by others. The Social Democrats, after stating in very
plain language that the Russian
Government had provoked the horrors of Bialystok, continued :--
Bialystok the Jewish proletariat is very numerous: thousands
of Jews work in the factories there--they
fight side by side with Christians
there for political freedom and a better existence. The
minions of Tsardom have long plotted to bring these brethren
to kill one another. Their provocations failed, for the
revolutionary parties exposed their shameful plans
and made them useless. But at last a bomb has served their
purpose, and the Tsar's hooligans waited in crowds for the
signal to begin their hellish work, aided by the Tsar's
soldiers, who fired into the houses and let off volleys at the
Jews as they escaped from the
hooligans." Of course the author of the proclamation
seizes the opportunity of preaching the ceaseless sermon of
the revolutionary. He says--"This
new crime of the Tsar cries out for vengeance. These rivers of
innocent blood cry out that life is unbearable until the
Monster called Tsardom is strangled,
until the knife and the sword are wrenched from the hands of
the criminals."
Then capitalism is dragged in :--
there is yet another criminal, and that is capitalism,
which has grown to monstrous
proportions under the protection of Tsardom. Bialystok is its
nest. For long years the capitalistic
leeches have sucked the blood of the working man. To the
struggle! Comrades
and workmen! To the struggle with hideous Tsardom! To the
struggle with capitalism, the source of
all curses." It is only at the end of the proclamation that
the proletariat is abjured to shoot down the first hooligan
who looks like provoking a pogrom.
The Polish Party of Socialists distributed over a hundred
thousand proclamations calling upon their comrades to deal
shortly with the provocators. But those they posted on some of
the houses in Warsaw deserve the prize in a proclamation
competition. After laying stress on the fact that the
government had provoked the massacre in Bialystok and the
soldiers rivaled the hooligans in torturing their victims by
cutting off their hands, legs, noses
and ears, it went on to say that, for
all the party cared, the rich Warsaw Jews
might look after themselves. What the Socialists meant to
protect was the Jewish proletariat. Why?
Not because the Jewish proletariat is composed of human
beings, of men and women with a right to enjoy as full a
measure of safety and protection as anybody else, not because
a Jewish massacre would shame Poland in
the eyes of the world; but because the Jewish proletariat was
the most revolutionary element in the country, and the Polish
Party of Socialists needed that element to help them to carry
out their political programme. But the scenes which disgraced
Bialystok on Corpus Christi day aroused the indignation of the
Poles, both in that town and throughout the Empire. It was
therefore with thinly veiled satisfaction that they repeated
the following sequel to the pogrom.
the Szosova, in Bialystok, lives a
certain Pop (an Orthodox priest) who took part in the
procession on the fatal day and was seen mixing
with the crowd during the looting which accompanied the
massacre. A day or two later some of the richer Jewish
merchants, whose shops had been looted, sent a deputation to
the Pop to say that they had excellent reason to believe that
some looted treasure was concealed in his cupboards. The Pop
indignantly denied the charge and
refused to open his cupboards. The deputation went away and
returned with policemen, and after some delay the cupboards
were opened and revealed looted goods to the value of 5,000
roubles to the astonished gaze of the police inspector and the
discomfiture of the Pop.
Elated with this success, the
deputation next called upon a Russian
in the civil service. In his cupboards they found wares which
had lately been in their shops and included 3,000
roubles' worth of watches, jewellery and silver. The police
took possession of the treasure, and unwillingly penned
protokols in which the names of two locally
prominent Russians figured not
as accusers but as accused.
There is yet one form of anti-Semitism
to be found amongst baptised Jews.
These neophytes often have a bitter
dislike for the race from which they sprang,
and lose no opportunity of holding up
those who still adhere to the faith they have
recently left to derision. This kind of anti-Semitism, which
is totally different from the
goodnatured contempt of the Pole-has given rise to a popular
saying that no man is as anti-Semitic as a Jew. It affords
much amusement and no little wonder to the Polish element to
hear a man, whose father frequented the synagogue and wore a
halat, talk contemptuously of
"those mangey Jews" or gleefully point out the Semitic
features on his cousin's face, quite forgetful of the fact
that his own are of the Hebrew type and that his very speech
betrays him as a descendant of the ghetto.
Such is the anti-Semitism we meet in Poland: like the people
from whom it comes, it is lacking in energy and aim. Like
people from whom it comes it is regulated by a certain sense
of national pride, ready, when the moment and the need arrive,
to exercise its power or court its
passions. It is far removed from the antiSemitism
of the Russian as it is from the toleration of the Saxon. But
it exists, and, what is more, exists in the hearts of the
Poles in a more definite form to-day than it
did five years ago.
Which side was the more to blame at the
beginning when the two races first lived side by side, it is
difficult to say. But to the mere
observer it appears that there has been a good deal to forgive
on both sides; and to-day, at any rate, the Jews are as
anti-Polish as the Poles are Anti-Semitic. They do not want to
assimilate, they do not want to blend their interests
with the interests of the rest of the community. They are
striving to assert their national individuality, to live their
own lives and attain their own ends, all
three of which are as far removed from Sclavonic ideals as the
twilight from dawn, as night from day.
These tendencies have found expression
in the Bund.
As much as six shillings was paid for
the cards, which were immediately destroyed.
No blood was shed; the crowds contented themselves with
breaking the furniture and splitting up the feather beds in
the ghetto.