every day the young ones would ask Mengele what was going on in the
Fatherland. They were reading in their papers about staggering
German military losses, and they were worried....I was often around
during these discussions, because Mengele still didn't think I
understood German. One morning, I went in to clean Mengele's
offices. The doctors and Mengele were having their usual cups of
coffee and asking Mengele why the Gypsies, Masons, Slavic races, and
Jews were being eliminated. One of the doctors earnestly asked
Mengele, "Why are we killing Jews? They never did anything to us.
They have the best engineers, artists, scientists, doctors,
musicians. Germany was built with streets named after Jews....'
'Meine lieben Kinder,' Mengele said to the three doctors.
'The Jewish people, no matter where they are, they become the best
in the world. Yes, you're right. They have all kinds of medicine,
music, and scientific discoveries.' Then he described how rich some
of them were, including the Rothschilds, and how the French borrowed
from the Jews so the country could fight a war. 'There can't be two
smart peoples in the world. We're going to win the war, so only the
Aryan race will stand.'
One doctor asked a question, to which Mengele replied: 'My father
fought in the German-Austrian war with the tsar. That was in 1914,
when they started fighting, and we kept winning the war. Then the
United States came in, and we started to lose the war. Now, the
whole world is involved against us and we're only 90 million
Still, Mengele said, the Germans had some of the French and Italians
on their side. ' We didn't realize the Jewish people were going to
fight,' Mengele said, slowly, deliberately, without any passion.
Then Mengele stood up and said something that made me want to grab
his neck and crush his throat, to kick his balls until they were
jelly, then stomp on his face.
'Actually, we never had anything against the Jewish people. But
they're smarter than we are. Hitler wanted to be smarter than the
rest of the world, so we had to eliminate the Jews. In reality, they
never did anything to us. They didn't even have a country of their
own to fight against us. We have to eliminate them. There can only
be one smart people and it's us. We're winning the war. Our Fuehrer
knows what he's doing.'
One of the doctors just shook his head, and Mengele proclaimed again
that the Fatherland was working on the world's most destructive
weapon, which would change everything overnight. The young ones just
looked at him pityingly. They knew it was a lost cause. Then the
talk ended. It was time for Mengele and his doctors to make their
rounds, to see how quickly and efficiently Jews were being
killed...." |