In the mornings it was still cold, but by noon it became
warmer, sometimes even hot. We
threw away all the blankets and similar things we had with us to
lighten our loads. The whole road was already covered with the things
discarded by the columns marching ahead of us. I replaced a few of
my things with other ones and wound a towel around my head. On the
way we met comrades who had collapsed. They were lying in the
roadside ditches and waiting to
be picked up.
Many of them had already died.
During the day there were several breaks. Fires were made, and
those who had organized potatoes for themselves tried to roast them. It was by no
means easy to light a fire, for we
hardly knew where we should get the wood for it. Most people
teamed up in groups to cook their potatoes. In the evening we were forced into a barn,
or we stayed in the open fields. The earth was damp, and so were our striped clothes. People
tried to warm themselves against
each other. In the effort. many fell asleep forever, and our
guards' attempts to wake them with truncheons and gunshots were in vain.
They were asleep forever, and nobody saw to it that they were buried. Because the whole road was covered with
people in striped uniforms. we
called our march the "March of the Dead". One died sooner, the
other later, and hardly anyone was able to survive. The rations
provided by the SS were very meager: two or three potatoes a
day. They gave us nothing more. Sometimes we saw whole mountains
of sugar-beets and potatoes in the fields, but the SS men did not allow us to
go near them. Every expedition
toward them resulted in some of us being killed. But punishment
meant little to us, for we
knew we had to
die one way or another.
Once on this
march we came upon a dead horse. The people marching ahead
of us had already torn out large chunks of flesh. We didn't rest
till we had organized the remains for ourselves, whatever the
cost. We cut all of it into small pieces, roasted them over a
lire, and thus had an
unhoped-for meal of meat.
Several days later we marched into a large forest. We were
ordered to stay there. All the
columns. consisting of thousands of people gathered together, and
we lay down on the ground to sleep. During the night the women's
divisions arrived from Sachsenhausen, and they were
ordered to sleep in another part of the forest. The forest was
completely international. We heard a great variety of languages, and
every nationality slept in its own section. We broke twigs from the trees to make fires. This had also been
forbidden by the murderers. There was no talk of food; we got nothing at all to eat. Water was a
further problem. Expeditions were
sent to a nearby stream to fetch water. Indescribable scenes took
place. Many people found their death in this stream. We heard
shooting from all directions. Our "protectors" would
shoot whenever
they saw a prisoner too close to the fence.
For three days we sat in this forest in despair, with no
food. We prepared to die of starvation. But then one evening we saw the arrival of a Red Cross
truck with "Canada" written on it.
How could a
Canadian Red Cross truck have gotten there? We were absolutely
But it vanished just as unexpectedly as it had come. Less than an
hour later a whole column or Red Cross trucks arrived. We were
very excited, for we didn't know what was going on. We were told that the Americans had
heard about us and were sending us food. How they could do this in the middle of Germany was a riddle to us, but
without their help we would surely
have died. We were happy not only about the packages but also
about the fact that people cared about our fate, that we were no longer alone. Until
then we hadn't known what they would do with the Jews and whether
there was a plan to save us too. But the Americans made no exceptions, so each of us got a package. They
distributed the packages themselves, for they
didn't trust the
SS people. And for our part, we made sure the SS people got
To read more of Max's story
about this death march, please click
From Max
Kaufmann's book, "Churbn Lettland: The Destruction of the Jews of