B.. was born [according to Reyzen's "Lexicon"] in
Kamenets Podolsk, in 1869 he issued in Zhitomir a
collection under the title of "Magazin fun yidishe lider
far dem yudishen folk". B. may just have been one of the
first Yiddish folk poets in Russia, given Gotlaber,
Michal Gordon, Goldfaden and Unzer, that as them he had
very much in common, both in tone, the folk-like lyrics
or badkhan-like [rezionirndikn], both according to the
ideals and themes. B. in his time was very popular and
his songs used to be sung in Southern Russia as
Sh. B. is probably
identified as Shmuel Berenstein, who had in the sixtieth
and seventieth years of the nineteenth century lived in
Zhitomir, and he was very popular as a collaborator of "Kul
mbshr", where he had in 1871 in volumes 21-31 published
is comedy in five acts "R' Itzhak Dl gah" [separate
edition -- Odessa, 1872, then Kishinev 1884, 32 p., 16°,
under the name of "R' Yakhtse dl gah", a comedy with a
novel in five acts, first part, [on site=oyf zeytl] 17 [hoybt
zikh] in the "third part"].
In the comedy he mocked the
[ibergemen zikh] of [pedigree=yikhus] of a "R' Db ben
Shtempel". Although artistically increasing the comedy,
it is not on the level of the primitive fiction of the
Haskalah (Enlightenment) epoch; it is however excellent
with the directed, [folkstimlebn], succulent Yiddish.