In the ninetieth year of the nineteenth century there
was associated with the Yiddish theatre in America as a
translator and adaptor of plays.
Moshe Zeifert said that he
performed in B.'s translations of the following plays:
"Di heytmat" from Sudermann (1892), "Napoleon bonaparte",
"Der shturmvind", "Virdzhinius", "Poyst".
On 12 January 1894 in the
Thalia Theatre there was staged B.'s [?] play "Der
Bessie Thomashefsky said
about the production (1897) of the operetta "Antignus
der held" (according to B. Gorin also it was called "Dos
bafreyte yerusalayim", which B. freely adapted and and
from his [?] play "Der kapitalist" (1897).
In the New York "Arbeter
zeitung" (40, 1894), there was an announcement about the
production of B.'s play "Fokter un tokhter", and it was
observed that there was an adaption of Sudermann's "Heymat".
In 1903 B.'s operetta "Di
sigaretn-makherin (The Cigarette Maker)" was staged (a
translation of "Carmen").
B. Gorin -- "History
of Yiddish Theatre", Vol. II, p . 64.
B. Gorin -- "History
of Yiddish Theatre", Vol. II (list of plays).
Chanan I. Minikes --
"Di idishe bihne", New York, 1897, (Moshe Zeifert's
Bessie Thomashefsky
-- "Meyn lebens geshikhte", New York, 1916, pp. 242,
Sholem Perlmutter --
Idishe dramaturgen, "Di idishe velt", Cleveland, 23
December 1928.