(Yakov Leyb)
B. was born in July 1884 in
Lodz, Poland. His parents were religious merchants. He
learned in a cheder and in three classes in Konstat's
school. He sang as a soprano and alto in the German
synagogue, which made him want to be sent away to Italy
to study, but his father didn't allow this.
At the age of twelve he saw
Shliferstein's production of "Bar Kochba", that called
out within him nationalistic feelings, and he took to
reading Yiddish literature. Attending the circus,
becoming interested with dance, he was introduced to a
group of dancers, who also performed in theatre, and he
traveled with them to Zgerzh, where he acted as "Papus"
in "Bar Kochba", later in other towns. Then he entered
into the chorus with Kaminski-Rappel, and again he
traveled with "amateurs" across the small towns.
Due to military service he
fled to America, and after a short time he entered into
the Golden Rule Vaudeville House. Five months later he
went over to the Peoples' Music Hall, and after marrying
Minnie Pilpel he became manager of the vaudeville
productions in the Orlieniev Theatre, later for
Kaminski's guest-role appearances. Several attempts at
acting with Kessler and with Young fell through because
of interference from the union. B. acted then again for
a season in vaudeville and became engaged to
Thomashefsky in the People's Theatre, where he acted for
three years. |
In 1910-2 B. acted together
with Schildkraut, 1913-5 in Philadelphia, 1916-8 in the
People's Theatre with Adler, then in the Second Avenue
(Theatre) with Kessler, Moshkovitsh, Lipzin, Kalich (one
season), and one season with Adler, two seasons in the
Peoples' Theatre with Max Rosenthal and Bessie
Thomashefsky, one season in Philadelphia, two years as
assistant manager at the Irving Place Theatre, and he
acted there with Satz, Goldenburg and Muni Weisenfreund,
guest-starring for a year across the province, a year
acting in Detroit with Littman, 1928-9 in the Rolland
Theatre, and 1929-30 guest-starring across the province.
M. E.
B. Gorin --
"History of the Yiddish Theatre", Vol. II, p.
Kirschenbaum -- Kunst un kinstler, "Di idishe
velt", Cleveland, 11 July 1915.
[ ] -- A neyer
shtern mit a romantisher fergangeheyt, "Di
varheyt", 25 February 19111.
Alter Epstein --
Interesante momenten fun aktyoren leben, "Tog",
N. Y., 14 July 1918.