B. was born on 22 March 1893
in Bobruisk, Minsk Gubernia, White Russia. Her father was a flour
merchant. In 1897 she moved with
her family to Warsaw.
As a member in the amateur
circles, B. performed, also in 1907, in mother roles in
"God, Man and Devil" and Pinski's "Family Tsvi", in an
amateur circle under the direction of the actor Shidlover.
Several times she acted in the province, and then the amateur
troupe transformed itself into a professional group, but it
lasted for only three months.
In 1908 she performed with
the professional troupe of Guzik, and in the same year she
went into Sabsey's troupe, where she sung in the chorus,
acted in roles, but soon she left the troupe and went
over to the newly formed "Hirshbein Theatre" in Odessa.
She remained there until the group disbanded. Then B.
acted with various troupes until 1912, when she was
engaged by Fishzon with whom she then acted in Central Russia
until 1917.
Then she immigrated with the
other Yiddish actors to Harbin, where she acted for
almost three years. In 1920 B. was engaged as a regisseur
for the amateur circle "Iml'd'g" (Yiddish
Musical-Literary-Dramatic Society) in Harbin, which she
helped found. Since then she has followed the same path
as her husband Misha Budkin. |