B. was born on 12 November
1895 in Rutshuk (Ruse), Bulgaria. His father was a
merchant who had written and by himself acted as an
"amateur" in his play in shpaniolish (Ladino).
Through the rehearsals, which used to be heldhis
at home, D. became excited with the theatre atmosphere, and in
his early youth founded his own "troupe" for which he
wrote plays, directed, acted and by himself sold
After completing a gymnasium
he entered into the philosophy facultat of the Berlin
university, and at the same time studied the acting arts
and direction in the Reinhardt school. After the World
War, he graduated in Vienna from the "City Academy for
Music and [Darshtelender] Arts" as well as philosophy.
He returned to Bulgaria and
D. became regisseur in the state theatre in Sofia, where
he also had founded a studio. In 1924 in Rumania he
entered into the Vilna Troupe, where he was for a year a
regisseur and staged Pinski's ")King) David and his
Wives" and Moliere's "Zhorzh danden". Later he was
a regisseur for various Romanian troupes, and in 1926 he
settled in Eretz Israel, where he was regisseur for
Hiatrun Amnuti, for the Hebrew opera, and then founded the
small arts "Hmtata" ("Derbezim").
Sh. E.