Born on 12 April 1886 in
Vilna, Polish-Lithuania. He received a home education,
and in 1907 he became a prompter in Bleykhman's troupe
in Paris, then with Miriam Trilling and Herman Berman,
with whom he traveled to Antwerp. Later D. became
engaged as a prompter (known under the pseudonym of "Genose")
to M. D. Vaksman in Paris. 1909-10 D. went with the
troupe across Belgium and England. 1912 D. staged in
Feinman's Theatre in London, and then became an
assistant regisseur in the Pavilion Theatre (Directors
Vaksman-Moshkovitsh). In the beginning of 1913 he
traveled with Vaksman's troupe to Argentina and returned
to London, where he worked for Bleykhman and Joseph
Sherman in the Cambridge Theatre, then for a year with
Joseph Kessler in the Pavilion and Peregn(?) Theatre.
1917 D. traveled to Russia
and became an assistant regisseur in Kharkov in the
troupe of Adolf Segal and Dimarsky, 1918 -- in Moscow,
then in Vilna as a regisseur with Lipovski, and in 1919
as a regisseur in the same troupe under the name "Fareynikter
yidisher folks-teater" (without Lipovski). In 1919 D.
acted in Bobruisk with only several actors for some
weeks, and went on to Kharkov, where the troupe united
with "Unzer vinkl", and D. became assistant regisseur
and actor in the theatre until 1921, when the theatre
disbanded in Minsk, where D. joined in with the |