Sonia Edelman
Born on 18 May 1889 in
Konstantinograd, Poltava Gubernia, Ukraine. Father -- a
rabbi and ritual slaughterer. She received a traditional
Jewish education. Learned in a Yiddish school in
Yekaterinoslav, wherein her parents soon moved over to
soon after her birth, and later here she completed a
six-class school, where she often used to perform with
declamations. Through a neighbor, a theatrical property
manager, she often was taken behind the curtains of the
theatre, and so after she became connected to the
theatre. Later she participated in "amateur" productions
of Goldfaden repertoire.
1906 -- taken in to the
professional troupe of Leyzer Bernstein, where she acted
against the wishes of her parents. Through the
recommendation of guest-starring actors with Bernstein,
E. a year later was taken into the Kaminski troupe in
Warsaw (Chmelnia 9), acting with Esther-Rukhl Kaminska
until 1915, going on the tour across Russia, including
Peterburg, and especially was popular in several Gordin
types: "Sheyndele" in "Mirele Efros", "Sheyne Henye" in
"Di shkhite", "Natasha" in "Kreutzer Sonata".
At the end of 1915 until the
February Revolution, E. acted in various itinerant
collectives, then in cooperative troupes, organized
through the Yiddish Artists Union. During the October
Revolution, she acted with the guest-starring Rudolf
Zaslavsky acros the Ukraine. At the end of 1918 -- taken
into the troupe of Esther-Rukhl Kaminska, and in the
beginning of 1919 -- in Kiev's "Unzer vinkl". When
Denikin's den (heyl) had seized Kiev, E. with |
Menachem Rubin, and after
several actors went off to Homel, where the Soviet might
had organized a Jewish state theatre with folkbild.
1921 -- E. was gifted with
an attestation from folkbild in Homel as a
working (earning) actress. 1922-23 -- acted with
Zaslavski in Leningrad, then across White Russia, and
then she was the first to act in Russia as "Leah" in
Anski's "Der dybuk" in Yiddish.
1925 -- E. entered into in
Kiev the "Kunst vinkl (Artists Corner)", where she acted
until the theatre closed. Due to a family situation, she
had for a short time withdrawn from theatre, then she
entered into the Jewish-Ukrainian State movable theatre.
E.'s sister, Nyuna Edelman-Klebovna,
acts on the Yiddish stage.
Sh. E. from
Mark Leyptsiker.
"Amator --
S. edelman, "Der shtrahl", Warsaw, 18 March
Noakh Prilutski
-- "Yidish teater", Vol. I, p. 128.
Amelia Adler --
Dos leben fun a idisher aktrise, "Di idishe velt",
Cleveland, 29 July 1930.
Dr. A. Mukdoni --
Zikhrunus fun a yidishn teater-kritiker,
"Archive", p. 364.