Born on 24 January 1879 in
Piatra Neamt, Moldavia, into a poor family. As were most
of the brave, indigent Jews, he hadn't the opportunity
to complete a folksshul, and when there was a
friend who once knew him..., he answered him with a
proposal: "Here you have, nevertheless, four classes of
folksshul, give me two of them, I'll pay for you now."
He didn't know how to read or write in Yiddish, he used
Latin letters to write his things. He wrote in Romanian
his first small book, "Zbitkes." The other small
booklets, still in Yiddish, he had self-published:
"Sabbath Night Kugel," "The Nine Days (1910), "Sabbath
Night Table" (1910), the second edition thereof, "Ibergezen
un fargresert" (1926), "Shabes hagadol"
"Sabbath Night Table"
contains scenes, couplets, folks witticisms and
other various humoristic stories. In that endeavor the
author says: "The booklets' folklore is written for big
and small, that the poor, who had the right to die from
hunger the entire day, also have the same right to
starve from laughter."
E. used to speak in
programs. He was part traveler, part musician, part
actor, part joker, and part life-insurance agent, but
entirely a pauper.
Julian Schwartz writes about
"The humorous sketches, the
anecdote, made him popular and beloved early on with the
small merchants and artisans of Moldavia, later over the
entire country. His way of reflecting the |