Under the pseudonym of I. M. I. N. there was composed "Der geshmisener apikurs oder a haliere in duranovke,
a theatre play in 3 acts" (Warsaw, 1897, p. 37).
Zalmen Reyzen writes: "The
booklet, written in living grammar, is
an entirely characterized sample of the popular
maskilim satire about the community of people and
obscure in their impossible struggle with the education
and in their reytn of the poor folks-mese".
L. Weiner noted in his list
of a second booklet from E. under the title "Lmd der
bel-shm oder tsvey khsnim unter eyn khupah. A mayse in shrim geshribn, mat i'm'i'n (Odessa, Ulrich publishers,
1880, p. 64).
Z. Reyzen also published
speculation whether he is identical to Markus Epstein,
who registered in H. D. Lippa's "Asf hmzkir" as a
connoisseur and friend of the Hebrew literature in
Mezritsh. "Dvka der ibergangs-dialekt (fun litvishn
yidish tsum polish-volinerishn) from Mezritsh mirror zikh
op in the generally folkstimlekher, a little vulgar
language from "Dem geshmisenem apikurs". A certain M.
Epstein (the same?) also had written a booklet: "Toyter
kop" -- stories (Vilna 1867), "Anekdoten fun dem shut
balkirev" (Warsaw 1878) and "Um gliklekhe itumh"
(Warsaw, 1878).
Z. Reyzen -- "Lexicon
of Yiddish Literature", Vol. II, pp. 797-98.
B. Gorin -- "History
of Yiddish Theatre", Vol. II, p. 271.