Not yet complete, the
manuscript arrived to Sha'ul Ginsburg, editor of "Fraynd,"
and in 1905 he published in the journal, "Dos lebn."
The story made a great impression, and soon crowned
the writer as a prominent writing talent. Thanks to
Sha'ul Ginsburg, she left her work in a tailor
salon, and she came to Peterburg, where she received
the possibility further to study. here She took a
teacher's examination and took two semesters of
lectures on the literature-historic courses of
Professor Rayev, but due to shortage of monetary
means, she could not complete the course. She
returned to Russia, and for a certain time she was a
teacher in Volin. Thereby F. continued further her
writing activities, and she published in the
supplement of Peterburg's "Fraynd," a dramatic study
"Kursistkes," wrote a drama in four acts, "A
shlekhter dor" (not published). Dr. I.B. Tsipor
dedicates a large article to F.'s drama, "Di froy
fun undzer tsayt" (probably "A shlekhter dor"),
which he heard the reading of a manuscript, and
comes to the following decision:
"Three different types of women, both markedly
active, not too deep, feminine easily, but prominent
enough to illustrate to a certain extent the idea of
poetess. To this end, the play from artistic point
of view is very beautifully constructed, possesses
the proper mood, a sufficiently indulgent tempo in
the action, and a proper number of close-knit,
silhouette-metics, which create a very happy thing
for the main characters, published among the
nebn-geshtaltn shtralt arois, particularly
noticeable the father, Sol Cohen, and it is even
elevated to the level of a particularly powerful
figure, with a deep, unique tragedy in the soul,
rising even mentally to the level of a particularly
vigorous figure, with a deep, unique tragedy in the
soul, overpowered him the world disappointment of
his daughter Bella, and in the moment of great
disappointment, he burned by his own hands every
book that he had at home; books that he himself
brought once so that his children can be educated
and become cultural human beings. He had remorse.
This finale made a strong impression, and forcing us
to read through the drama, to delve into this and to
think about this problem. The offering from this
daring and artistic work the stage would have given
the actor an opportunity to show off his
best-in-class ability -- a beautiful and equally
entertaining performance. "
In 1924 she published in
"Tsukunft" (June-September) her four-act drama, "Hfkr-mentshn,"
which, under the name "Tekhter" was staged in
November 1927 by Rudolph Zaslavski in Vilna's
"Yiddish Folks Theatre." In 1924 she published in
the Warsaw "Ilustrirte vokh" (N' 17, 18) the
dramatic etude "Tsvay onzikhts-kartn," and
published there a dramatic etude, "Kursistkes," as
well as publishing there four articles, "Yiddish
Theatre and the Yiddish Public." F. also translated
Leonid Andreyev's drama, "Anathema."
F. had many wanderings
around Russia and Ukraine and experienced the
pogroms, lived in Bessarabia and Romania. After
issuing several books in Yiddish (details about her
literary activity, see Reisen's "Lexicon."). In 1925
she settled in Eretz Yisroel, where she went further
and wrote in Yiddish, and part of her writing
through other translations in Hebrew. Late she, by
herself, began to write in Hebrew. In 1967 she
published in Hebrew a brochure in which she turns
into a neganitin herself, the fate of
f.'s published plays:
1. Rokhl Feigenberg
Dramatic etude
Supplement to "Fraynd"
(A 1. "Ilustrirte vokh," Warsaw, 1924)
2. Rokhl Feigenberg
Drama in an act
("Di tsukunft," N.Y., June-Sept. 1924)
3. Rokhl Feigenberg
Tsvey anzikhts-kartn
Dramatic etude
("Ilustrirte vokh," Warsaw, N' 17-18, 1924)
Z. Reisen --
"Lexicon of Yiddish Literature," Vilna, 1929,
Vol. 2, pp. 49-56.
Dr. I. Tsipor --
Di froy fun undzer tsayt, "Der moment," Warsaw,
4 January 1953.
Rokhl Feigenberg
-- Der yidisher shrayber tsu zayn leyener, "Literarishe
bleter," Warsaw, N' 10, 1931.
Rokhl Auerbach --
Rokhl feigenberg, "Di goldene kayt," Tel Aviv,
N' 17, 1953.
Israel Emiot --
Rokhl feigenberg baveynt dem gurl fun yidish,
"Forward," N.Y., 24 Sept. 1967.