F. in the span of years
published in many periodical editions, stories and
novels and also plays and issued a collection of novels
"Durkh teg un nekht" (publisher "Tsuzamen", N. Y.,
1927), and "In fraye shoh'n" (N. Y., 1935).
F. wrote very many plays,
among them:
"Mitn man oder mit di
kinder"", a drama in three acts, [printed in "Tsuzamen"
and in "Di idishe velt", Philadelphia.]
"Der blyask fun gold", a
drama in three acts [printed in "Tsuzamen"], performed
in the "Lyric" Theatre by Kanapov.
"Likht un shotn", a drama in
three acts.
"Farshpetikt", a drama in
three acts (printed in "Tsuzamen", 1928), "A tseshterter
plan", a drama in three acts with an epilogue (printed
in "Tsuzamen", N' 1, 2, 3, 1931), "Fartserter kbud in 7
sheh", one-acter (printed in "Tsuzamen"), and the
one-acters "Di naye shkhnim", "In park", "In a leybor
byuro", which were never printed and never performed,
and "Zayn shuld", which was staged by amateurs.
F. also wrote the novels
"Der hebreysher lerer" and "Farshpetikt" (printed in the
Philadelphia "Di idishe velt"), and "Di fanatishe merder"
that he had written as a young student and published in
an adapted form, in 1939, in Montreal's "Kanader odler".
On 17 February 1952 F.
passed away in New York.
Sh. E. and Sh.
E. from his father-in-law Goldshmidt.
Z. Reyzen --
"Lexicon of Yiddish Literature", Vilna, 1929,
Volume III, pp. 122-123.
"Lexicon of the
New Yiddish Literature", New York, 1968, Vol. 7.