enriched the theatre arts in
Argentina, [such as] the subtle Serebrov, with the even
more subtle Lucy Finkel."
F. later experienced in New
York an automobile accident, after which she was ill for
several months. Later she nearly retired from the stage
and learned to sing with a famous music teacher.
She became sick with
leukemia and passed away on 22 June 1943 in New York.
The Jewish World Almanac
characterized her as such:
"She was best in the roles
of modest Jewish daughters, which she would play on the
stage. She played these roles with a true heart and
sings with a holy shiver, because it is actually in her
personal life alone that she is a modest, humble Jewish
About her last years, the
composer Joseph Rumshinsky writes:
"Lucy Finkel, the former
Yiddish prima donna, was employed by Hollywood as a
talent scout, that is, she had to search for talent for
the movie world, and also earned a lot of money.
Unfortunately an accident happened to Lucy. She became
ill from a difficult illness and not withstanding all
the efforts of the doctors, and upon the effort that her
sister Bella had laid out, she died, eynhilndik
in a great grief, the theatre circles not only on Second
Avenue, but also in Hollywood, where she was already
well-known and loved."
Leon Gottlieb characterized her as such:
"Entirely young the two
sisters Lucy and Bella began their stage careers. Both
were, by nature, gifted with beautiful voices, which
were inherited from their mother and from Uncle Boris,
and they began to sing in chorus. When it used to happen
that an actress became unhealthy, one of the Finkel
sisters would act in the role of the actress who had
become sick. By studying the role with the younger
choristers, they had immediately seen that she also had
a dramatic heart, and this was confirmed when Lucy or
Bella performed in that role. .... The Finkel sisters
started their careers in the National Theatre with their
famous uncle Boris Thomashefsky.
The very great success as
prima donna the deceased had in Louis Freiman's "The
Golden Bride" ... over several years back Lucy was
invited to play in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She played
there with the well-known actor Muni Serebrov and had an
incredible success. The famous musician Joseph
Rumshinsky done much to develop Lucy's voice and the
knowledge of singing."
M. E.
The Lead Pencil
[B. Botwinick]-- Amerikaner kinder oyf der
yidisher bine, "Forward," N.Y., 7 December 1923.
velt-almanakh," New York, 1926, pp.357-58.
Rozhansky-- Der debut fun muni serebrov un lusi
finkel in teater "ekselsior," "Yidishe tsaytung,"
Buenos Aires, 25 June 1933.
Leon Gottlieb--
Di kariere fun der talentfuler akterise lusi
finkel, "Forward," N.Y., 25 June 1943.
Rumshinsky-- "Klangen fun mayn lebn," New York,
1944, p. 293.
Nechamya Zucker--
"Fir dorot yidish teater," Buenos Aires, 1944,
p. 453.