Born circa 1849 in Odessa,
Ukraine. A stepbrother of Yakov Glikman. He learned a
little. Was with Nisan Belzer in a chorus and then
toured with Broder Singer and with the Schwartz Quartet,
performing for Goldfaden in small roles, and often used
to him often to show.
G. had a beautiful lyrical
tenor voice and was a musician and a great joker. In his
youth he used to perform in buff comic roles, most of
the time with Segalesko's troupe.
He also performed by
himself, but he couldn't draw enough income, so he had
to also from time to time work with bershtlekh.
In 1906 he traveled to
America, but once he performed in a testimonial evening,
which his landsleit had arranged for him, and
after a year he returned to Romania, and here he entered
into the troupe of Glikman, later with Ashkenazy, but
soon after the World War, he used to, from time to time,
cast off acting and take to working with bershtlekh.
G. was a nidriker
(short man?), and they used to therefore call him "Der
klayner mekhele". Actors used to like him very much due
to his wit. His popular saying was: "Nu, genug
His voice was even in his
older years very fresh, that in his older years of
sixty-some-odd years, he performed with great success,