G. dramatically deals with
dramatic montages and choral-dramatic narratives that
were given in many cities in America. So in 1936 he
wrote an adaptation of Mendele's "Takse," under the
name, "Dos kestele (The Little Box?)." In 1951, a Peretz
montage (which includes "Di frume katz," "Oyb nit nokh
hekher," "Baym fakir," "Khasene gehat," and a number of
Peretz's children's songs), which on 30 June 1951 was
produced by the "Yiddish Theatre Ensemble," under the
stage direction of Benjamin Zemach, and in the Fall of
1951, and in the winter of 1952 under the name, "Baym
kval," given as a complete play fifteen times in New
York's "Barbizon Plaza," giving two new dramatizations,
"Moshiakh tsaytn" (published in April 1960 in "Yiddish
Culture," built on Peretz's "Moshiakhs tsaytn," "Vos
heyst neshome," and part of "In polish oyf der kayt"),
and "Nit farmshpat" (both under the stage direction of
Peter Frey). On 13 November 1960 in "A String of
Pearls," renewed in the "Brooklyn Academy of Music" as a
dramatic choral. G. also prepared the choral text of
Peretz's "Oyb nit nokh hekher," music by Moshe Rauch,
which was sung in many cities.
At the beginning of the
fifties, G. wrote a play for young people, "Der
shnayder-yung un di fir poetn" (Winchevsky, Edelstadt,
Bovshover and Rosenfeld), which was staged in New York's
Town Hall.
In the fifties G. wrote a
number of ghetto montages, which were staged under the
stage direction of Jacob Mestel.
In 1953 G., together with
M.A. Suhl, written for the ten-year yahrzeit of the
Warsaw Uprising, a spectacle, "Mir fargesn nit," which
was staged under the stage direction of Morris Karnovsky.
In 1952 for David
Edelstadt's sixtieth yahrzeit, G. wrote "Der yunger
odler," a song-play, based on Yuvilar's life, staged by
Jacob Mestel.
In 1953 there was staged in
a New York middle school, G.'s children's play, "A mayse
mit a shtot," based on his children's story.
In 1954, together with M.A.
Suhl, for the opportunity of the three hundred year
anniversary of Jewish life in America, wrote the
dramatic spectacle, "Mir zaynen do," which on 16 October
1954 was staged in Carnegie Hall, under the stage
direction of Elias Sullivan, with the participation of
Howard Da Silva and members of a Yiddish theatre
ensemble. The spectacle also was played then in other
cities. Around the same time there was also performed in
English, G.'s spectacle, "Der goldener lamp (The Golden
Lamp)," about Emma Lazarus.
In 1957 -- a montage to the
opportunity of the twenty-year "Ikuf," staged by Jacob
Mestel. In the same year -- "Tsu gast baym zaydn," a
great children's play, based on the work of Mendele,
which consisted of episodes of "Fishke," "Travels of
Benjamin the Third," "Dos Vintshfingerl," and "Di
klatshe," staged in New York with the author as the
In 1959 -- "Der bobes kholem,"
a choral-dramatic work, based on the songs of M.M.
Warshavsky (for Sholem Aleichem's hundred-year
birthday), placed in a series of cities in America, as
well as in Paris.
In the years 1960-62 -- a
number of small montages: "Vifl in oysyes" (fifty-years
of Yiddish schools in America), "A mayse mit a mentshn"
(about Dr. Chaim Zhitlovski), "Der tana fun mishgale"
(about Kalman Marmor).
On 12 November 1961 -- for
Morris Rosenfeld's hundredth birthday, "Der operaytor un
der poet," a dramatic work about the epoch and the life
of Morris Rosenfeld, given in New York's "Brooklyn
Academy of Music," and in many cities across the
In 1962 -- "A bezem un a ker,"
a montage about the creation of Morris Winchevsky,
staged in New York's Carnegie Hall, and the "Zinger fun
noyt," about the life and creations of Mordechai
Gebirtig, staged in many cities across the country.
In 1961 G. issued an
anthology of the Yiddish drama, "Unzer dramaturgye,"
which provided one-act sample of twenty-five Yiddish
dramas, for the Purimshpiels, until the modern Yiddish
dramas, with biographical critique treatments about the
authors and an introduction about the manner of the
Yiddish drama.
N. Buchwald -- Der
spektakl "a shnirl perl," "Morgn frayhayt," N.Y., 7
July 1951.
R. Yukelson -- A
hant-bukh un antalogye vegn yidish teater, "Yidishe
kultur," New York, November 1961.
R. Yukelson -- Hekher
2 toyznt bay feyerung lkhbud m. rozenfeld's 100th
geburtog, "Morgn frayhayt," N.Y., 14 Nov. 1961.