the Russian steppes (without
Dzigan and Shumacher), after with Lola Folman, Itzhak
Perlov, Khayele Shiper, Khayele Luksemburg, Yoel
Bergman). G. was sent to Kazakhstan in "The Trudovoy
Army", where he for seven months was regisseur of a
Russian dramatic circle, then we migrated out to
Tashkent, where he acted for a short time (1944) in
small-arts in Yiddish with Sidi Thal and her troupe,
united again with Lola Folman, with whom he acted until
1946, and, he then returned as a Polish citizen, to
Here G. joined the troupe of
Moshe Lipman, which took to acting in Upper Silesia,
later with the arriving Ida Kaminska, then with Dzigan
and Shumacher (not under the name "Ararat") with whom he
traveled to Paris, where he acted for four years in
Yiddish nightclubs and became in 1952 brought by the
"Joint" to America.
For several years, G. worked
in New York in shops. At first in 1960 he began to
singularly perform in special programs, and he became
engaged during Dzigan's visit to America and Mexico. G.
participated afterwards in the cooperative troupes of
Bozyk, Soshana et al, and in Gottesfeld's "Gvald, ven
shtarbt er", and Goldfaden's "Beyde kuni lemel",
performing in concerts and toured for three yers with
Ben Bonus' troupes across America and Canada in the
Farband tours. G. further joined Dzigan's troupe, and he
came in 1968 to act across America and Canada in "Hot a
yid a lendele".
G.'s son, Harry Gold, acts
on the English stage and had especially excelled in
"Oliver Twist". He also acted in the role of "Shlomele"
in Ida Kaminska's offering of "Mirele efros" during her
guest appearance in 1967 in New York.
M. E.