Chone Gottesfeld
Born on 15 May 1890 in Skala,
near Zbarazh, Eastern Galicia. Parents -- fashion
merchants. Learned in a cheder and in a Beit HaMedrash,
then in a Czernowitz gymnasium, and was readied to
graduate in Vienna.
In 1910 he arrived in
America. Here G. for the fist time worked as an errand
boy in a shop with his family, then taught himself to be
a tomcat(?), worked in a newspaper stand in a subway,
studied in college of pharmacy, and in the end opened a
candy store, together with Ezriel Fleishman.
In the literature, G.
debuted with humoresques in "Kunds" under the pseudonym
"Tevye Shmeykhel". Then he went to Cleveland, where
worked in the editing of the "Idishe velt", later
settling in Philadelphia, and worked in the local "Idishe
velt". then he arrived in New York, joining the
"Forward" as a "telephone boy", and later he became an
editorial member in the "Forward".
G, wrote together with
Osherowitz the comedy "Yo farhayrat, nit farhayrat",
which was staged (with Schildkraut) in New York in
November 1920.
In 1922 they directed in a
cooperative Royal Theatre in New York (Lobel, Baratz,
Samuilov) his comedy "Raykhe kaptsonim (Rich Paupers)",
which, later under the name "Galitsyaner milyonern" [in
Zalmen Reyzen's "Lexicon", the play was listed in the
name of G.'s brother, Chaim], was staged in the Irving
Place Theatre. |
On 21 October
1924 in the Yiddish Art Theatre, there was
staged G;s comedy, "Ven shtarbt er? (When Will
We Die?)" (Gottesfeld Kh. [Tuviya Shmeykhl]
Gevald, When Will We Die?, a comedy in three
acts, ten scenes, Vilna -- Warsaw, 1926,
publisher Kletskin), which soon thereafter was
staged in Warsaw's Central Theatre and then in
other cities of Poland and in Argentina.
On 1 March 1928
there was staged at the Yiddish Art Theatre his
comedy "American Chasidim", and on 2 September
1927 in the Second Avenue Theatre, there was
played his libretto "Reyzele" (music --
Rumshinsky, Direction -- Kalich). A variation of
his comedy "Parnose", which on 13 December 1928
through the "Vilna Troupe" was staged in the
Intimate Theatre in the Bronx, New York.
On 3 December 1929
at the Yiddish Art Theatre, there was staged
G.'s "Malakhim oyf der erd (Angels on Earth)", a
heaven and earth comedy in seven scenes with a
prologue and epilogue (direction: Maurice
Schwartz, setting and costumes -- Baruch
Aronson, music -- G. Toller).
Zalmen Reyzen --
"History of Yiddish Litarature", Vol. I, p.
Ab. Cahan -- Di
comishe zayt fun a tifer drama, "Forward",
30 November 1920.
Israel the
Yankee -- "Ven shtarbt er" in kunst teater,
"Yidtgbl", 31 October 1924.
N. Buchwald --
Gotesfild's komedye in idishen kunst teatr,
"Frayhayt", N. Y,, 24 October 1924.
Dr. A. Mukdoni
-- A shpil fun lialkes, "Morning Journal",
31 October 1924.
Ab. Cahan -- "Az
lekhen zol zayn gelakht" -- in shvarts'
theater, "Forward", N. Y., 24 October 1924.
B. Y. Goldstein
-- Tsvay komedies, "Der tog", 7 March 1924.
L. K-r, [review]
"Un"bukh", 4, 1926.
Michael Weichert
-- "Teater un drame", II, pp. 141-4.
Ab. Cahan --
Gotesfeld's "amerikaner khasidim" in moris
shvarts teater, "Forward", 15 March 1928.
Z. Kornblith --
"Di dramatishe kunst", New York, 1928, pp.
Dr. A. Mukdoni
-- Komedye "drame" in marioneten-shpil,
"Morning Journal", 7 March 1928.
Dr. A. Mukdoni
-- Ven der forhang flat, "Morning Journal",
24 April 1929.
Ab. Cahan -- A
naye komedye fun gotesfeld "Malakhim oyf der
erd", "Forward", 13 December 1929.
William Edlin --
"Malakhim oyf der erd" in kunst teater, "Der
tog", N. Y., 13 December 1929.
B. Y. Goldstein
-- Oyf der teater evenyu, "Fraye arbayter
shtime", N. Y., 20 December 1929.
A. Les -- Arum
teater, "Di vokh", N. Y., 13, 1929.
A. Frumkin -- "Malakhim
oyf der erd" in idishen kunst teater,
"Brooklyn Jewish Voice", 25, 1929.