"Yidishe bine". Then G.
returned to "Azazel", and in the summer he went with the
"Warsaw Yid. Art. Vinkele" as a guest-star to
Vilna-Bialystok. 1928-9 G. acted in the troupe of his
brother Zygmunt and Ida Kaminska.
Besides this, G. had several
translations of novels, also published under the
pseudonym of Y. B. T. in "Haynt", January 1926 in
several hmshkhim a short biography of Esther
Rukhl Kaminska.
G. composed the four-act
drama "Dos gihnum" (performed by Jonas Turkow), adapted
according to Dymov's subject "Der krbn", a drama in four
acts (performed by "Vikt"), and translated the following
plays: "Baginen, tog un nakht" by Nikodes, "Di gril oyfn
vizn" by Dickens, according to Yushkevitsh's
dramatization, "Di domantishe nakht" by Bokhvits,
(staged in 1925 in Vilna by Ida Kaminska), "Morpheum" by
Hertser (performed by "Vikt" in Warsaw), "Di kinder-tragedye"
by Karl Shenher, "Dos" by Shenher, "Hinkeman" by Toller,
"Wolf" by Romain Rolland (performed by "Vikt" in
Warsaw), "Dos rod fun kreyd" by Klaubund, "Fun frimorgen
biz halber nakht" (performed in 1927 in Krakow's Yiddish
theatre), "Peg, meyn lebn", "Tovarishtsh" by Leonard, "Periferye"
by Langer, "Krankheyt fun der yungt" by Brikner, and "Tauh"
by O'Neill (performed during the Kaminski-Turkow tour in
Sh. E.