Aaron Kanievsky
Born on 17 July 1890 in
Rzhyshchiv, Kiev Gubernia, Ukraine. Father -- a grains
merchant, descended from rabbis and ritual slaughterers.
Received a Jewish traditional education, learning in the
local yeshiva. In 1905 he experienced a horrible pogrom
in Kiev and joined in the Jewish Revolutionary Movement.
From his very early youth he manifested a deep interest
in Yiddish literature, even for the classics, also
taking an interest in Yiddish theatre, especially with
Goldfaden repertoire.
In 1908 he immigrated to
America, where he settled in Philadelphia, participated
in 1909 in Sackler's "Yukel ganef", founded the "Kunst-vinkl
(Arts Corner)", where he also was theatre director. He
founded the "Literary Dramatic Society", where he acted
and directed, was active in the "Hebrew Literature
Society", performed as recitator, later he git zikh
shtark op with the established Yiddish folkshul,
founder of the local branch of the "Kultur gezelshaft
(Culture Society)", "YIVO", helping with the purchasing
of Yiddish books and was generally active in all fields
of Yiddish culture.
Especially however, K., in
his great love for the Yiddish theatre, helped many both
from the Philadelphia Yiddish theatre, and from the
arriving guest-starring troupes or individual actors
through his detailed reviews in articles about Yiddish
theatre, which he used to publish in the local edition
of "Tog" for a span of forty years time., under his own
name and also under the pseudonym of Aaron Malyes and
Arkanyev. R. also wrote about Jewish social problems in
Philadelphia's "Idishe velt", and in Malamut's "Yom tov
bleter". |
K. had raised his lone
daughter Molly (Silver) in an authentic Jewish spirit,
and after completing an art school, and she became a
painter. She also was a teacher in the Workmen's Circle
school, theatre directed with amateur groups and
performed solo as a recitator in Yiddish.
K. had geklibn
published autobiography, together with a selection of
his published articles, His illness, however, prevented
him from carry out his the plan. On 10 January 1960 he
passed away and came to his eternal rest at Mount
Lebanon [Cemetery] in Philadelphia.
Sh. E. from
his daughter Molly.
Y. L. Malamut -- "Filadelfyer
Idishe anshṭalṭn un zeyere fihrer", Philadelphia, 1943, pp.
David Ber Tierkel -- "Di
yungtlekhe bine", Philadelphia, 1940, pp. 30, 37, 41, 42, 43,
44, 53, 54, 59, 68.