Born on 20 July 1888 in Odessa, Ukraine. Father --
employed by an Odessa fort. Learned in the Talmud
Torah under the leadership of Mendele Mokher Sefarim, and
completed a six-class state school.
For a year's time, K.
learned in the dramatic school of Rakhmaninoy, then
entered into a Russian Odessa dramatic theatre, where he
participated in mass scenes. Later there came the
possibility of acting in small roles with the actors
Orlenyev, Yakovlev, Talanov et al. He became familiar
with Yiddish actor Glazunov, and K. became through him
talked into entering into the Yiddish troupe under the
direction of Meyerson in Nikolayev, where K. debuted in
the singing role of "Katsov" in Goldfaden's "Kishufmakherin".
Then krigt he shoyn to act ias "Shumunyu"
in the "Two Kuni Lemels". For less than half-a-year K.
toured with the troupe and thanks to the good attitude
of Meyerson, he learned from him a lot about the
business of the stage. K. then toured for a short time
with actor Jacob Gartelevitsh, then he went over to
Bronstein's troupe in Kherson, where he krigt shoyn
prominent singing roles, such as "Gbbrialke" in "Khinke
pinke", "Absalom" in "Shulamis", and the role of "Bar
kochba". K. then acted for two years with Bezman, and
becoming a zaposner (reservist), he was mobilized
into the army during the First World War. He organized a
dramatic circle in which he often gave a performance. He
fell into a gegegnshaft, and wandering as such
across various lands, made there offerings in Yiddish
and some of the time in Russian, among them "God, Man
and Devil", ("Satana"), acting in the role of "Hershele
Returning to Moscow after
the February Revolution, K. entered into the troupe of
Zhitomirski and acted with the guest-starring Clara
Young. In 1932 he entered into the state Ukranian
operetta in Donbes, whre he acted until 1934.
K.'s wife, Polinova, also
was an actress, aa was their very young daughter Sonia
K.'s further fate is
Sh. E. from Mark Leyptsiker. |