In forthcoming guest roles, she played a serial
role (a nurse) with Max Gabel in “Bridal Gown”
and afterwards as a young boy in “The Bandit”
with Ludwig Satz and in “Three Brides” with Leon
Blank. She had a walk-on in a children’s
presentation of ”Shulamis”, but didn’t yet
consider this to be her career since she was
determined to become a lawyer and was preparing
to study at Northeastern University. In the
evenings she continued to sing in the chorus for
one season playing incidental roles. She then
performed in the “Cabaret Symphony”. She was brought
back to Yiddish theatre by Hymie Jacobson, who
heard her sing and rehearsed with her, preparing
for them to sing together in “Gypsy Duet”. She
soon appeared in a more prominent role in Rumshinsky’s ”Get Married”. She traveled around
appearing with Aaron Lebedeff and Hymie Jacobson
in the Lawndale Theatre, having equal billing with
1930-31 she played in Philadelphia’s “Arch
Street Theatre” (with Hymie Jacobson and Simon
Wolff). On 3 February 1931 she joined the
Yiddish Actor’s Union and traveled as guest
performer to Boston. In the summer of 1931 she
was guest performer in Argentina with Hymie
Jacobson (whom she married in 1933). She
traveled with him as a guest performer
throughout Europe (Belgium, England, France,
Lithuania, Latvia and Poland). While she was in
Warsaw she divided her time between appearing on
stage in “Esther” and in the film “the Purim
Players” (Text--Itzik Manger, Music--Nicholas
Brodsky, Producer--Firsht Pczhibilski,
Director--Joseph Green). She returned to America
and played in the Williamsburg Cooperative
Lyric Theatre. Afterwards she played in
various other theatres till 1938 when she
traveled once again with Hymie Jacobson to
Poland. She then returned to America. In 1939
she was a guest performer in South Africa. She
came back to America and in December 1933 she
took part in Maurice Schwartz’s “Yiddish Art
Theatre” in “If I Were Rothschild” by Sholem
Aleichem and in Asch’s “Psalm Jew”. Once again
she traveled as a guest performer to Argentina
and Brazil and from there to London, and once
more back to America where in 1943 she married
Seymour Rechtzeit. She appeared with him in
various theatres in New York such as the
National, the Public and the Second Avenue as a
partner with Menasha Skulnik, Michalesko, Fuchs,
A. Grossman, Zayenda, and Irving Jacobson.
In 1947 she played in the Parkway Theatre as”
Shoshana" in “When Your Heart is Young”
(Directed by G. Goldberg and Jacob Jacobs). In
1948 in the same theatre she played the title
role of “Anna Lucasta” by Philip Jordan. .
In 1955, Kressyn once again played in the
“Yiddish Art Theatre” in L. Treister’s “The
Shepherd King” (her role was Ritzpa), and after
that she played “Dinele” in “The Brothers
Apart from all her other undertakings, Kressyn,
appeared on radio in the “Forwards Hour”
starring in plays by Bashevis Singer, Ossip
Dymov, Dluzhgovski and Kadya Moladovski. For
many years she had her own programs as a singer
and commentator on radio station WEVD, where she
was in charge of writing her own book reviews,
conversations with famous personalities and
guests and commented about different social
issues. She also had an original program “Meet
up with Miriam Kressyn” where she discussed a
variety of worldwide commercial undertakings.
Kressyn also appeared on Yiddish-English
television over a period of four years together
with her husband Seymour Rechzeit.
Kressyn recorded additional songs “Machetenyste”,
“Motele” , “Shpilt a hassene uf”, “Margaritkes”,
“Yosele klezmer”, “A Heimishe polkeh”, “Tyere
malke”, “Tumbalaliake”, ”Mazel”, “Mein yidishe mame” , “Oy vey iz tzu mir”, “Ven mentschen zoln
bliebn kinder”, “Bultitchki”, “Zol nur zany
shabbes”, “Licht bentshn” “(and together with
Seymour Rechzeit: “Bet mir a bisele”, “Du un ikh”,
“Enjoy yourself”, “Ir zent farlibt” and “Tzena
In the “Forward”, Chone Gottesfeld, published,
under various titles, ” (April 28 - July 3,
1951), a series of episodes from Kressyn’s life,
”Miriam Kressyn--in Life and on the Stage”.
Dr.L. Zshiynitzki-- The debut of Hymie Jacobson
and Miriam Kressyn in “Ambo” “Di prese” May 25, 1931.
Jacob Kirschenbaum-- The New Actress Miriam
Kressyn, Max’s, New York December 9, 1932.
Jacobi-- First appearance of Hymie Jacobson and
Miriam Kressyn, Folks blat, Kovno,
December 19, 1933.
Y.Z. Zacks-- “Gypsy Love” with Hymie Jacobson
and Miriam Kressyn, “Di Iddishe shtime”,
Kovno, January 31, 1934.
Z. M. Minkoff-- Hymie Jacobson and Miriam
Kressyn, “Frimorgn”, Riga March 16, 1934.
M. Kipnik-- A stroll through the theatre and
concerts” ,“Heynt”, Warsaw, June 15, 1934.
Elchana Zeitlin-- Hymie Jacobson, Miriam
-Tzum Viderzehen” Unzer Ekspres”,
Warsaw, July 25, 1934.
N.M. Mayzel-- Uftrit fun Hymie Jacobson and
Miriam Kressyn,
bleter" Warsaw, November
15, 1934.
Tzvey Yidn-- A talk with famous artist Hymie
Jacobson, Lodz Folksblat, July 1,
Dr. M. Sudarsky-- Zalmen Zilbercweiz in Lita, in
Zalmen Zilbercweig Jubilee book, New York, Summer
1941, Vol.. 79-87.