Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Morris Lampe


Born in 1895 in Warsaw, Poland to Chasidic, well-to-do parents. He learned in a cheder. At the age of thirteen he finished a folkshul and began to learn in a business school. Soon after his first visit to a Polish and Yiddish theatre, he became fascinated by theatre acting, and became a yutsa unchns behind the curtains of a Yiddish theatre. His parents took him out because of school and he became a vendor in a shawl business. However, also there L. neglected his post because it kept him from the stage, and according to the recommendation of his well-known actors, he went to Plotsk, where he acted in Tsipkus' provincial troupe and debuted there as "Israelik" in Thomashefsky's "Pintele yid". After acting for a certain time with the troupe across the Polish province, L. went over to the itinerant troupe of Lermanke, Mishurat, Shavavner, Kanievski-Kharlamp, until he encountered the outbreak of war in Vitebsk, in the troupe of Zhorzh and Beker.

He was brought back by his parents to Poland, where L. spent time until 1917, traveling during the time across the province, for which he alone organized troupes. 1918 -- went away to the Soviet Union and there went over to literary repertoire, acting in Moscow with Zhitomirski, but disappointed he entered into the Homel "Unzer vinkl", where he acted for several years.

1923 -- directed with a dramatic theatre, where he directed and satires of Soviet life. 1924 -- by Brandesko in Moscow, then in Minsk, and from there was invited as an artistic director of a

dramatic studio in Vitebsk, where he directed in Sholem Aleichem's "Stempenyu" and "200,000", then acted in the same play with a professional troupe, and with it acted the summer season in Moscow, and the winter season he toured with Zaslavsky.

Now L. was invited as the manager of a troupe in Odessa, where he directed Asch's "Uncle Moses" and the play "Der urteyl". From there he traveled to Kiev, where he acted with a section of the troupe of "Kunst vinkl (Artists Corner)", Sholem Aleichem's "Tevya the Milkman", and then went to Paris to Joseph Kessler, where he acted for five months, directing a series of Sholem Aleichem plays. 1929 -- guest-starred in Belgium, and from there arrived in Poland, where he directed a section of his old repertoire and also several new plays (including Sholem Aleichem's "Golddiggers").

1932 -- guest-starred in Romania, Austria, and then he returned to Poland.

Sh. E.

  • S. -- 200 toyznt fun sholem aleikehm. Rezhi moris liampe, "Yidishe tseytung", Antwerp, 19, 1929.

  • Yitzhak Katsenelson -- Sholem aleichem in der aktyor lampe, "Lodz tablat", 9 August 1929.

  • Y. G. Sh-Sapir -- Moris lampe un "tuviya der milkhiger", "Naye lebn", Bialystok, 9 December 1929.

  • Chanan [Pesach Kaplan] -- Di goldgreber, geshpilt durkh der yidisher trupe mit moris lampe, "Naye lebn", Bialystok, 17 February 1930.

  • Teater-mensh [ Kh. Y. Bristovsk'] -- "Mitn rbins kukh" fun lapidus, oyfgefirt durkh moris lampe, "Nayer folksblat", Lodz, 28 May 1930.

  • Henekh Kon -- "Mitn rbins kukh", tsu di gastroln fun moris lampe, "Ilustr. Poyl. Manchester", Lodz, June 1930.

  • Kaden -- "Tuviya der milkhiger", oyfgefirt fun moris lampe, "Unzer lebn", Ludmir, 43, 1930.

  • A. Grafman -- Moris lampe in sholem-aleichem's "Tuviya", "Moment", Warsaw, 10 August 1930.

  • N. [Nisenboym] -- "200,000" fun sholem aleichem, oyfgefirst fun moris lampe, "Lubliner togblat", 25 November 1930.

  • N. M. [Mayzel] -- Gastshpiln fun shoshanah un moris lampe, "Literarishe bleter", Warsaw, 34, 1932.







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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 2, page 992.

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