L. was born in Pinsk,
Poland. Her father was a businessman. She learned in
Pinsk and in Warsaw dentistry. L.'s parents often used
to take her to theatre productions, and so after that there
developed in her an aspiration to act in the theatre.
Later, she was a teacher in a children's home for
orphans in Sokolow, producing a dramatic circle that
arranged productions as income for the children's home,
and in that circle she debuted in Y. L. Peretz and
Reyzen's one-acters.
In 1920-22 L. also had spent
time in Eretz Yisrael and there participated in Hebrew
in "Tiatrun Ebri".
In 1922 she came to America
and here performed as "Zelda" in Peretz Hirshbein's "Dem
shmids tekhter (The Blacksmith's Daughters)".
During the 1923-24 season L.
was engaged in Schwartz's Yiddish Art Theatre, and in
1925 she acted in "Unzer teater" ("Miriam" in An-ski's
"Tog un nakht (Day and Night)".
L. printed stories in the
"Morning Journal" and competent impressions of her visit
to the Soviet Union as she crossed over to the Communist
Party, entering into "Artef" and publishing her stories
in the "Morgen freyheyt".
L. is the wife of the poet
Betsalel Friedman.
Sh. E. |