L. was born on 7 January
1901 in Kiev, Ukraine. Here parents were artisans. She
completed a gymnasium. From childhood on she had a
desire for the stage.
At the age of seventeen, L.
came to be a student of the Russian actress Irenyeva in
the theatre studio of the "Kultur-lige (Culture
League)". In the studio L. soon presented herself as a
gifted editor of Yiddish poetry, and she participated in
several studio evenings in Kiev and Moscow.
In 1924 L. joined "Mim't",
where she had great [ibergebnheyt] to work until her
last days, and she participated in a tour with the
troupe across Western Europe in 1928.
L. had especially excelled
in the role of "Beylke" (in Sholem Aleichem's
"200,000"), "Zhene viera" (in Zhul Roman's "Truadek"),
"Khanka" (in Dobrushin's "Dos gerikht geyt"), "Sortsi"
(in Peretz Hirshbein's "Nisht gedeyget") and "Valina"
(in Dobrushin and Nusinov's "Spets").
On 30 December 1932 L.
suddenly passed away from a heart attack in Moscow,
where she was cremated the next morning. In honor of the
deceased, a funeral assembly took place, in which there
were among others appeared Efrim Loyter, Kaverin, Peretz
Markish, Zuskin, Rafelski and Dobrushin.
L. was the wife of the actor
M. Michoels.
Sh. E.