Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Leon Liebgold


Born in 1911 in Przemysl, Galicia. Parents -- the Yiddish actors Bashe and Zalman Liebgold. Father -- director of Yiddish theatre in Krakov and across the Galician proivnce. Possessing a beautiful voice, he became a choir boy in a temple and acted in children's roles in his father's troupe.

1927 -- became a professional actor in Veinna's "Reklam" Theatre. In 1928 he became a member of the "Vilna Troupe", where he acted until 1933, going on tour across Austria, Germany, Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and other countries. In 1934 he became a member in the "cooperative" troupe in Krakow and at the end of 1934 he was engaged in Warsaw's theatre "Novoshtshi" to act in small-arts with the "Yidishe bande". 1935 -- married the actress Lili Liliana, went on a tour across Europe with the "Yidisher bande" (which was called the "Polish bande"), and in 1939 they both came to America with the troupe. L. remained there due to the outbreak of the Second World War, and he acted in 1940 with a cooperative union troupe in Chicago, in 1941 with a cooperative union troupe in Detroit. In 1943 he became a member in the Yiddish Actors Union and became engaged in New York's Second Avenue Theatre. From 1943 until 1946 he served in the American army in  the "Counter-Intelligence Core".

After returning from the army he acted in New York and across the country until 1954, then traveled with his wife to guest-star in Argentina, where he had, for the first time, performed on 30


September 1954 in the Soleil Theatre, in an operetta of Wolf Julian's adaptation of Peretz Hirshbein's "Grine Felder (Green Fields)" (music by Sholom Secunda), in Brazil and in the land of Israel. Since 1955 he has acted in New York, and has in 1958 and in 1959 went on a tour across America for the Yiddish National Farband. L. in the summer months was a staff member in the troupes of the various Yiddish camps.

L. participated in the following films: "Yidl mitn fidl" (with Molly Picon), "Der dybuk" (with Morevsky), "Tuviya der milkhiger" (with Maurice Schwartz), and "Kol Nidre" (with Cantor Leybele Valdman).

L. was vice-president and then president of the Yiddish Actors Union in America.

Sh. E. form Mordecai Yachson.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 3, page 2241.

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