L. was born on 14 February
([ester-tenyt]) 1889 in Samara, Russia. Her father was a
tailor. As a child of seven she immigrated with her
parents to the town of Zdunska-Wola (Poland), where she
learned Yiddish from her father. As a child she worked
with socks/stockings, then in a textile factory as a
spooler, later moving over to Lodz where she worked as a
stacker, and at a factory drew attention with her
beautiful voice. She also participated on Friday nights
in the "plays", which were arranged by the workers she
knew, take part in the arranged Purim plays, and at the
end she would [1904] enter as a chorus singer into the
troupe of Sh. Krause, with whom she toured over Poland
and Russia until she went over, together with Zhelazo,
as a chorus singer and in episodic roles, to Fiszon in
his troupe, and she followed with the wandering ways of
the tactics of the Yiddish actor in Russia: She
participated under her maiden name, Glazer, as a chorus
singer and actress in the troupes of Meyerson,
Shwartsbard, Zhelazo, Bernstein, Zhitomirski, Sam Adler,
Zandberg, Genfer, Sabsey and Kompaneyets in Warsaw's
Muranow Theatre, where she performed in her first
great role ("Beynushl" in Thomashefsky's operetta "Dos
pintele yid"). From here she went over to the Lodz
"United Troupe" which was under the leadership of
Titelman, where she had the opportunity to be the first
to create the role of "the daughter" in Itskhok
Katzenelson's "Caricatures." Later she entered
into the "United Troupe" with Ester Rokhl Kaminska in
charge, and she participated in a tour across the main
cities of the then Russia. |