M. was born on 10 May 1879
in Ozorkow, by Lodz, Poland. His parents were
middle-class people. He was raised next to the late
actor Herman Serotsky. From childhood on he became
interested in the guest-starring troupes, and he used to
put together troupes of local "amateurs", and with them
he acted in private homes and on Shabbat afternoons in
the secular town. He also had, as well as the other
members of the amateur circle, often would sing in the
chorus or act in episodic roles with the guest-starring
professional Yiddish troupes.
At the age of eighteen he
immigrated to London and there entered into an amateur
circle, with whom he acted in various one-acters and
plays. Ten years later he came to Australia and in 1907
(together with Veysberg and Reynolds) organized a club
of four hundred members in Melbourne, with whom they
staged scenes from Goldfaden. At first, on 17 November
1909, they put on the first offering in Australia of a
full play in Yiddish: Skribe-Lerner's "Zhidovska" (M. as
"Prince"). The program from the production was published
only in English because no one printer had Yiddish type,
since then M. has been one of the main organizers and
actors of the dramatic circle "Yidishe bine", which
staged Yiddish productions in Melbourne and from time to
time also in Sidney.
Sh. E. |