N. was born on 9 April 1898
in Odessa, Ukraine, into a not-well-off family. His
father was a man of music and composer of many Chasidic
melodies. In 1909 he began to learn solfeggio with popular music and the conductor Garbarsky, at the same time learning in the Odessa
Talmud Torah under the auspices of Mendele Mokher Sefarim
and M. Kleinman. There he also became "a solo singer"
and the oldest in the "Knabn-chorus". In 1910-12 he
acted in children's roles in the troupes of Kaminski,
Genfer, Lipovski, Rappel and Sharavner, and at the same
time also performed in "children's concerts" in various
cities, and he studied music with the theatre musicians
Yakovkin Hochberg, Sandler, Vinokur et al.
From 1912-14 he learned in
the Odessa city school of Afrti and at the same time
sang in the Shalashener, small Prikatshshiker and high
schools, and in the troupes of Rappel and then of Kurik.
In 1915-16 he toured with
a Russian troupe. In 1916-17 -- he served in the
military and directed the dramatic section of the
officer's club in Volsk (on the Volga). In 1917 he
entered into the first Yiddish conservatory of Pinye
Minkovsky. In 1919 he served in the Red Army,
distributing the natsminderheytn from bandit attacks.
At the same time he participated in the founding of many
worker's clubs and dramatic sections in Poltava and the Donner region. |
In 1920 he was cofounder of
the Jewish state theatre "Kunst-vinkl (Art's Corner)"
in Kiev, where he acted for several years. In 1925 he
traveled to Argentina, where he participated in the
local Yiddish theatre and in his struggle against the "Tmayim".
Here he also founded and lead the first worker's
children's theatre in Argentina, then he found and led
the worker's theatre studio with the worker's club "Spartak"
in Buenos Aires.
In 1928 he arrived in Europe
and directed in the Yiddish theatres of Poland, England,
Lithuania, France, Latvia and Romania, most of the time
together with his brother Rudolf Zaslavsky.
N. composed music and songs
for Gottesfeld's "Parnasah", for Molnar's "Der teyvl", for
"Tuviya der milkiger", and An-ski's "Der dybuk", as well
as various songs and declamations, which were performed
by Yiddish actors.
Sh. E.
Moniek -- Der
ern-ovnt fun Kh' Sh. Naumov, "Royter shtern",
Buenos Aires, N' 9, 1928.
V. D. -- A far
gezunt dem khaver naumov, "Royter shtern",
Buenos Aires, N '30, 1928.