Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Julius Oskar


In 1865 he completed Khentshinski's (Kenczinski's) Polish dramatic school, and from 1870 he began to act on the Polish stage (Lublin, Lodz, and other cities), around 1880 A. acted on the German stage, a certain time together with the famous Ludwig Barney. In 1890 he performed in Yiddish theatre, for a certain time he performed in Yiddish theatre, a certain time touring in the province with actors Spivakovski, Weinstein and the Tanzmans. In 1892 he became regisseur for the "German-Yiddish" theatre under the direction of Olginskaya in the Eldorado, and he directed the first aroyf on the stage Rukhl Halpern (later Esther Rukhl Kaminska). In 1892 he performed as "Akosta" in the Fishzon-Spivakovski troupe in Warsaw, then he went for several years around as a regisseur with Kaminska and Sam Adler, acting in dramatic and character roles in German, and he often saved the theatre from the police decrees against the Jews.

In 1909 O. returned to the German staged, then for a certain time with the Polish, and again he returned to the Yiddish stage.

During the outbreak of the war, O. acted in Kaminska's theatre in Warsaw's "Frants Mor" in Schiller's "Robberts". In 1916-7 he toured with Izikovitsh's troupe across the province, and as for age he no longer could obtain any stable engagement in a professional theatre. He became regisseur in a dramatic circle,


performing as a recitator in the evenings, also acting from time to time in small roles on various stages. So he had in the Polish production of "dybuk", he played a "beggar", and small roles in the film offering of "Tkiet khf" in "Lmdvnik".

O. educated a large part of the Yiddish artist family in Europe.

  • Itzhak B. Turkow -- Der eltster yidisher aktyor, "Literarishe bleter", Warsaw, 102, 1926.

  • Esther Rukhl Kaminska -- Mayn leben (memoirs), "Moment", Warsaw, 22 September, 8 October 1926.

  • Zalmen Zylbercweig -- Epizodn funm altn yidishn teater, "Teatre"tst", Warsaw (10) 3, 1929.

  • Zygmunt Turkow -- Emeritn, "Literarishe bleter", Warsaw, 40-43, 1929.

  • Z. Zylbercweig -- Tshikave meshius fun dem amoligen idishen teater, "Forward", 13 October 1929.

  • M. Myodonik -- Mayne teater zikhroynes, "Der shtern", Minsk 4, 1926, p. 36.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 1, page 80.

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