Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Pola Patroni
(Paulina Patron)


Born in Busenberg, Bayern, Germany. Her father was a bookkeeper. She completed a real gymnasium in Frankfurt am Main. Her family moved over to Warsaw, Poland, and she became a German teacher in a school, while studying music with Podiesti (conductor in the opera) and sang for Professor Meshuge.

Through her friendship with Mark Arnstein, she became closer to the Yiddish theatre, and she became engaged by Veysfeld, where she debuted in "Yehuda un izrael" ["Di tsvey serzhantn"], speaking "Germanish",which  then as was the custom. After acting there for several months, she went over to the troupe of Zhitomirsky, who toured across the Ukraine where she acted in dramatic roles, then in cooperative troupes with the actors Brandesco, Kuprinov [Kuperman], Ebenholtz, Gotlieb, Samberg, Bernstein, and in Genfer's troupe.

After her marriage to Samuel Kuperman [Kuprinov], she devoted herself to the business side of theatre, at times as a business director, and at times as a director, using her German pedigree to obtain permission to act in Yiddish theatre under the shield of "German-Yiddish theatre". In this way she succeeded in making Yiddish theatre in places that had already been subject to a year-long ban.

During the first World War, she acted in Yiddish in Lodz's Skala Theatre and a season in German (under the direction of Roshoy),


then from time to time in falling into poverty, participating in Yiddish productions under her husband's direction.

During Hitler's coup, she acted in German in Munich's folks theatre in the play "Di froy vos hot der'hrg'et" ("Viera Mirtsova") and filmed in the hindria society.

After divorcing her husband, she came in 1930 to Mexico and here performed in Yiddish in the main role of "Di froy vos hot der-hrg'et" and other plays, then (at)tempted to organize Yiddish theatre productions here. P. even participated in the productions of the guest-starring Clara Young in 1932, and then retired from the theatre.

P.'s sister, Lola, was a Yiddish performer in Poland.

P.'s sister, Ada Dombrovska-Patroni, a German writer, published in German and Polish many articles about Yiddish and non-Yiddish theatre.

P.'s cousin, Elias Patron, is a Yiddish actor in Argentina.

M. and Sh. E.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 3, page 1619.

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