P. was born in 1890 in Buzer,
Rumania, a famous Rumanian humorist and revue writer.
According to Zalmen Reyzen
(who called him "Prikeagu" most of the time) he had,
with the collaboration of H. Shenfeld, translated and
adapted into Yiddish some of his very light parts
and evues, as "Beyunz in bukarest", "Me lebt un
melakht", where the defects of the Rumanian Jews are
mocked. In the Yiddish offering, the author had formed
these defects.
Jacob Botashansky, who had
the first produced revues in Yiddish in Rumania, spoke
about his first revue, "Tsimes", he remarked:
"The entire scene had been displayed, as a Jew with a
Jewish fakn (itinerant book), the Rumanian Jewish
poet, coupletist and revue author Jan Pribeagu, who had
written revue scenes, in which he has made taunts of
Jews, and they have [aroyfgeshlept] him to the Jewish
revue and they have [areyngefitsket] him".
Botashansky told that the
public was their pleasure from this stage, because the
Yiddish public had bore anger towards him for the taunts
he made about Jews.
Z. Reyzen -- "Lexicon
of Yiddish Literature", Vol. II, p. 970.
Jacob Botashansky --
"Di lebensgeshikhte fun a yidishen zhurnalist",
Buenos Aires, 1942, third aprt, pp. 339-339.