Born in April 1878 in Iasi, Rumania.,
into a rich family of [angra-eyzenvarg] merchants. He learned in a
cheder, completing a government school and [fortgezetst] his studies
with a teacher. Living next door to the Rozenshteyn family, S. had
in his early youth supported material of young Shmuel Rozenshteyn,
who then used to arranged productions. S. had worked with his father
in business, then was a bookkeeper in a bank and later by himself
found himself in the same business as his father.
In 1902 he immigrated to America, and S.
attempted to become a stage painter, worked afterwards in a tailor's
shop, as a conductor on a tramway, a bookkeeper in a hat factory,
maintained with his brother a buffet in vaudeville houses, became
a salesman in a [zeyd] business and then a partner with the same
firm. Through Borgen's money [tsu] managers of the Lyric Theatre,
where he was as such until seven years at first with Simkovitsh and
later with Lanfeld, Lillian and Michael Wilensky, also directing
further his private business. Later in the same way he became a
partner with Thomashefsky in the National Theatre and then in that
theatre together with Louie Goldberg. Later S. became the leasee of
the National Theatre, where he in 1930-32 was also manager of the
troupe. In 1932-33 he was manager of the Second Avenue Theatre.
M. E.
B. I. Goldshteyn -- Unzere idishe
teater-farvalter, "Der tog", N. Y., 27 November 1925.