Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Meyer Scheer


Born in 1881 in Gródek, Galicia. Parents -- very pious quick lime manufacturers. He learned Yiddish, Polish and German. His father wanted him to be a rabbi, however as such he passed away when he was young and S. at a very early age had to put of learning and begin to be concerned about making an income. He entered in as a employee of a business, then tried to learn a profession, but soon he cast this aside and immigrated abroad.

Here he often attended the theatre and developed a desire to act, but at first when in 1904 he arrived in America, he received the possibility of entering into the theatre, first as a chorister in Aged's Yiddish vaudeville theatre (N. Y., 82 Clinton Street), then as a role player in short operettas, writing for David Meyerowitz, Sholem Perlmutter, Louie Gilrod et al.

Later S. acted in sketches with Louis Kramer, and went over to legitimate theatre, acting both in the province, such as Boston, Philadelphia, Toronto, as well as New York, including several seasons with Max Gabel, in the Hopkinson Theatre with Blank, Lebedeff, Goldenburg, Ludwig Satz and Berta Kalich. In his last years, S. was associated with the Yiddish Art Theatre.

S., who had begun as an actor of intrigue, later went over to character roles. He had a warm, responsible attitude for the theatre and for the Yiddish word.

S. was known and popular for his humor and witty inventiveness and oddities of which much was printed in the periodic Yiddish press.

On 13 May 1961, S. passed away in New York and was brought to his eternal rest in the society burial plot of the Yiddish Theatrical Alliance (at Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Flushing -- ed.).

Sh. E.

Sh. E. from Jacob Kirschenbaum and Msx Friedlander.

  • Zalmen Zylbercweig -- "Theatre Mosaic", New York, 1941, p. 318.

  • Julius Adler -- Meshus fun der idisher teater-velt, "Morgn Frayhayt", N. Y., 28 August 1949.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 4, page 3113.

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