Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Zusman Segalowitch


Born on 26 February 1884 in Bialystok, Poland. Father -- a middleman merchant(?), who had him educated in a private school, and also was left to learn at home. Later S. served in various towns was also a worker in a tile factory.

His literary activity began in 1903 in Russian in the Bialystok newspaper "Zapadnaya Ukraina" in July 1904, where he debuted with a song in Yiddish in "Der fraynd". At each time he tsugeshtanen to the "Bund". For months long he sat in prisons, and after Bialystok's pogrom, together with his parents, he went over to Lodz, where he began to often publish songs in the Yiddish periodic press. His first volume of songs "Shtile troymen" was published in 1909. Later he also began to write stories and sine the war became in Poland one of the popular Yiddish writers. In the publishing house "Bzhoza" (Warsaw), there was published to this day S.'s eighteen volumes.

Under the pseudonym "Aleksander Yavits", S. published from time to time articles about Yiddish theatre.

In 1915 he published in the "Yidishe velt" (Vilna, III), (due to military censure in a shorter form) his dramatic poem "Di vant" which in 1918 was published in full text in Moscow, and in 1920 in the publishing house A. Gitlin (Warsaw, 32 pp, 16°), and on 14 April 1921 it was read (in tails) by the members of the "Vilna Troupe" in Warsaw and later was performed by various "amateur"

groups (October 1923 by the dramatic studio with the Yiddish Art Society in Vilna).

In 1921, in the publishing house "Di tsayt" (Warsaw), there was published S.'s translation of Gogol's comedy "Der revizor", which shortly thereafter was performed in Warsaw's "Central" Theatre, and then in the Yiddish Art Theatre in New York.

S.'s novel "Unzer froy" also, without the knowledge of the author, was dramatized by Jacob Vaksman.

S. was married to the actress Clara Segalowitch.

  • Z. Reyzen -- "Lexicon of Yiddish Literature", Vol. II, pp. 667-673.

  • A. Litvak -- Dramatishe verk, "Bikher-velt", Warsaw, N' 2, 1922.

  • Z. Segalowitch -- An erklerung vegn "revizor", "Theatre and Art", Lodz, N' 4, 1922.

  • Z. R. [Reyzen] -- Der vinklshteyn in beleygt, "Tog", Vilna, 4 October 1923.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 2, page 1507.

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