Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Pinchas Sherman

Born on 14 September 1885 in Biala, Siedlce Gubernia, Poland, to pious parents who gave him a traditional Jewish education in cheders and with a private teacher.

Having in his earlier years a leaning toward theatre and being lost in Yiddish literature, in 1906 after coming to America he toured around with the "Progressive Dramatic Club", where he became even more enamored with the Yiddish theatre through Joel Entin.

By day S. worked in a tailor's shop, and in the evening he performed with courses (farlezungen), especially the activities of the Yiddish organizations, where he acted as the "younger man" in Sholem Aleichem's "Etz".

In 1919 he was in episode roles in The New Yiddish Theatre with Schnitzer.

In 1920 he acted in the Irving Place Theatre in Schwartz's production of Peretz's "Goldene keyt (The Golden Chain)".

In 1921-22 he acted in the same theatre in the role of "Doctor Heyk" in Dymov's production of Molnar's "Lilyom", and as the "Gericht prezident" in Gordin's "Oygenes blut" with Berta Kalich.


During the 1923-24 season  he performed as a stand-in member in Maurice Schwartz's Yiddish Art Theatre where he acted for ten yeas, with few breaks. Earlier episodic roles, later larger roles, such as in "Der shpanisher yid (The Spanish Jew)" in Zhulavsky's "Shabtai tsvi", "Kanarik" in Asch's "Motke gonef (Motke the Thief)", "Fabuk" in Hauptman's "Furman henshel (Henshel the Coachman?)", "Der sucher abdolin" in Gogol's "Revizor", later the same role in English with Maurice Schwartz at the 48th Street Theatre, returning to the [Yiddish] Art Theatre in the role of "Der tsigl-deker", and afterwards "Paul Grossman" in "Peter the Great", "Kelner frits" in Goldfaden's "Dos tsente gebot", "Tsivan zelka" in Asch's "Kiddush hashem", "Elik" in Sholem Aleichem's "Stempenyu", "Moses" in Sackler's "Major Noah", "Mikita Galagan" in Sholem Aleichem's "Tevye der michiger (Tevye the Milkman)", "Der royter betler" in Singer's "Yoshe kalb".

Sh. had also participated in guest roles for the Art Theatre across the American provinces.

Since 1934 Sh. has been retired from the stage.

Sh. E.

M. Ring -- Teaterei, "Freyheyt", N.Y., 29 February 1924.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 4, page 2600.

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