Lives in the Yiddish Theatre


Lena Sigalovska

In 1931 Y. Lyubomirski characterizes him as such:

"The best impression that she made was in the role of Zelda in the "Two Kuni Lemels." She played there with a special certainty and hopefulness. here she also had the best opportunity to display her voice: a mild, warm timber. Here she felt very free on the stage, with very simple measures, through simple khnudiker acting with grace, a significant, emotional oyfvirkung on the audience.

Sigalovska herself is more content by her work in 'Lekert,' 'Koymnkerer,' and 'Rosita,' because in these forms she had an opportunity to display her individual approach. As the little boy in "Lekert" Sigalovska took an entirely different approach than what had been played in other theatres. Usually this little boy is considered a brat, a meidem, and it is emphasized under the white-gang, this mischievousness. According to Sigalovska the performance played itself out as the young boy in 'Lekert,' very serious about the events that are happening before his eyes. It is possible that the young boy is a future Lekert. Sigalovska has even argued with the stage director Norvid. He should give the little boy some employment in the workshop, who figures on the stage. But with that, this is the young boy portrayed by Sigalovska so seriously. She cheated on him and shattered his boyish zest for a life which would not have diminished the seriousness of the conflict. Therefore, the figure of the young boy looks too modest and too serious. Like a blustery shot, he turns around the stage.

In the case of 'Kvimnkerer,' Sigalovska set herself up to portray a naive village girl, a piece of raw earth. The means she used here were made easily, naturally. The main thing is that she didn't 'overact,' not overpowering these measures. Only at first (in the beginning), when Khasye arrives at the friend's, she stands gulmevate with unkempt legs [?]. The tip of the bots turned inside out.

From her last work she is more of a 'heart-wrenching' woman than ever, We are looking for her natural planting [?]-- to the comedy genre. Generally to such genres where it is demanding, daring men are demanding. Thus she makes a good impression in the workers' group, is a third act [?], in the revue 'Gedekt kortn (Deck of Cards?).' a little farshmelert ir shpil-baze der kleiner vukt. All in all she is an artist with a personality, with a future."


  • Y. Lyubomirski -- "Melukhisher yidisher teater in ukraine," Kharkov, 1931, pp. 101-102.






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Adapted from the original Yiddish text found within the  "Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre" by Zalmen Zylbercweig, Volume 7, page 6355.

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